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Ice was on the road just begging for an accident to happen, so I drove. I don't trust Bella to drive anyway.


Arriving and standing next to the truck with Bella. We got here a little early today, so we decided to stay outside with the earlier people. But it also happens that the Cullen children are here early. And, of course, Edward was at it again, staring at me.

Stop staring you prick.

"I wish he wouldn't stare. It creeps me out." Bella stated, and I nodded, not really paying attention.

Not even one second later, I heard a large object skidding on ice. The next thing I knew, there were people running everywhere. I don't know what happened. I was on the ground. A split headache ringing through my head. Bella was holding me as people surrounded us, asking if we were alright. Sounds kept going in and out. I looked to the side, seeing a van with a dent in its side. I don't know how that got there. I don't know what happened.

Then I blacked out.


Awoking in a hospital, I see Bella sitting next to the bed I was on. She was asleep. I sit up still with a pounding headache from hell. I leaned over and poked Bella. She woke up with a jolt. She smiled while looking at me. Dad and a doctor walked in. "Glad to see you're awake, William, I'm Dr. Cullen."

Oh, the Cullen kids' adoptive father. I nod my head. "Sorry Carlisle, my- uh... son is not much of a talker." He smiled. "That's quite alright. You must have a massive headache." He then handed me some pain meds and a cup of water. I then noticed that I didn't have my parka on. It was sitting next to me on the bed. I took the pain medication and drank the water. I then reached over and put my parka back on. "Alright, I looked over everything, and you are perfectly fine. You just hit your head on the pavement, but nothing broke open. You are free to go home now." I nod to the doctor.

I got up with the help of Bella and walked out of the room with her as dad talked with Dr. Cullen.

As we rounded the corner, we ran into Edward, Emmett, and Rosaline. "Hello William, I'm glad you're okay, we came to check on you and your sister!" Said Emmett, but I just stared at him. "Sorry for his silence. He doesn't really talk." Bella told them. I'm tired of people apologizing for my silence. Everyone should know I don't talk by now. "That's fine," said Edward while he smirked at me. I blushed at that. Why would he do that towards me? Rosaline then made a comment about how they should go home now. Emmett and Edward looked like they didn't want to leave, but they reluctantly did. Dad came out to us, and we left. To be honest, the amount of time that he spent with that doctor makes me think they have a thing going on between the two.



Later that night, I got ready for bed. Laying in my bed listening to Bella snore. I can feel sleep creeping up on me. My eyes felt heavy. I blinked for the last time, and then I was out.

A wedding. Walking down the aisle. Surrounded by white lilies. Heading to the alter. Two people stood there dressed in the finest white suits. One paler than fresh fallen snow and the other with beautiful caramel skin. Both of their faces were blurred, but I could tell they were both beautiful.

I was left by the two. I felt oddly happy being sandwiched between them. I looked down and saw myself in a wedding dress... great... this is embarrassing. I hate fucking dresses.

As the priest goes over the same lines that are used at every wedding and finally gets to the 'I do' parts. One by one, the three of us say "I do." And as the two lean in to kiss me...

I wake up in cold sweat. I looked out the window of the bedroom. It was still pitch black outside. I look at the clock next to my bed, 2 am. Damn. I shifted and sat off the side of the bed. I hunched over running my hands up my face. Whipping the sweat into my hair and pushing it back. I remember the dream so vividly. Why would I dream about that? My heart is racing. I hate this, I hate this feeling.

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