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I get home from watching the boys band rehearsal, they were okay I guess, they have the heart but maybe they should spend more time practising instead of smoking weed.

"Hey hun, how was today?" my mum calls from the kitchen, I make my way in there.

"It was meh, met some cool people so not too bad." I give her a kiss on the cheek, she hands me a sandwich and a bowl of soup, I start to slurp it down.

"I'm sorry we had to move  but this job is... incredible. Better hours, better pay." she puts a hand on my shoulder.

"No I get it, I just miss everyone." She sighs and pulls me in for a hug.

"I know, but they're just a call away, I love you" she tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, gives me a sincere smile.

"Love you too, I think I'm gonna head to bed. Thanks for the soup." I put the half empty bowl on the side and head to my room.


I walk down the street, the morning breeze blows my hair gently. I turn the corner and see Lindsay up by the bus stop, she turns smiling as she sees me.

"Morning Lori" 

"Hey Lindsay, I didn't know you took the bus."

"Yeah it sucks." she sucffs her foot on the ground, kicking a stone in the process.

"I know right, I can't wait to get my licence." 

"Well hello" I look just behind Lindsay, there stands three boys, a lanky boy with glasses, a shorter boy with an embarrassed look on his face and finally an even shorter boy with tight curly hair, he is the culprit. 

"Oh Lori this is Bill, Neal and my little brother Sam"

"Hey, I'm Lori" I wave.

"Please ignore Neal" Sam says with pure annoyance on his face, before I can respond, the sound of a blasting stereo and a booming engine interrupts.

A battered car comes screeching round the corner, it pulls up beside us, inside is Daniel, Ken, and Nick.

"Hey you ladies want a ride." Daniel sticks his head out the window, his greasy hair still slick in the breeze. 

I look to Lindsay, she looks back to me, I shrug and turn to the boys.

"Sure, thanks" I get in the back scooching over for Lindsay to get in too, I'm smooshed right up close to Nick, he looks at me awkwardly.

"It was nice to meet you." Neal pokes his head into the window.

"Uhh yeah you too." before we know it we're zooming off down the street, the sudden speed makes me jolt, I grab Nicks arm.

"Hey man, slow down!" Nick says. "You okay?" I nod.

"So you guys wanna ditch? I made this bong out of a shoe and I really wanna test it out." Ken says nonchalantly.

"A shoe? Is it an old one or a new one?" I say while chuckling.

"A new one, you in?" Ken turns to me.

"I mean it's only my second day, I don't wanna get a bad reputation." 

"Yeah Ken, I don't think it's a good idea." Lindsay says.

"Why you gotta bust my balls?" he throws his head against the seat dramatically.


I walk into the cafeteria, I scan the room looking for somewhere to sit, on a table near the back I see Nick and Ken waving me over, I check behind me just to make sure they aren't waving at someone else, once I'm sure they're waving at me I head over but before I can reach them a lanky girl with pin straight hair, practically jumps in front of me, she's holding a clipboard. 

"Hello, I'm Millie Kentner, you're new?" She holds out a hand.

"Uh yeah, I'm Lori Kent" I shake her hand. "Ha, Kent... Kentner." She looks at me blankly.

"Do you have time for a quick survey."

"Not really, I've gotta get to my friends" I notion towards Ken and Nick, she turns to see who I'm talking about, she looks back at me with fear on her face.

"Oh no, don't hang out with those, they're freaks!" I look at her offended.

"Okay? Is that a problem?" she looks me up and down taking in my tattered jeans and my beat up boots.

"Maybe not for you." 

"Millie I'm gonna go eat my lunch. Bye." I try to move around her but she dodges in front of me.

"Save yourself!" I move her gently out of my way and rush over to the table, I sit down in front of Nick.

"Ah so you've met the righteous Millie, did she try and convert you?" Ken says while mushing around the food on his lunch tray.

"Not exactly, but she did tell me to save myself." I laugh as I take my food out of my bag.

"Her and Lindsay used to be like best friends or something, so she resents us for corrupting her." Ken says now reluctantly eating the slop on his tray.

"Really? Damn I knew she seemed kinda like the girl next door but hanging out with the Jesus crowd?" I see Ken struggling with his food and push over my bag of chips, he takes a handful.

"Millie's okay she just can be a bit much sometimes, she doesn't mean any harm. You aren't like a math freak though? Cuz she will try and indoctrinate you into the math brigade."  Nick says also taking a handful of chips.

"No I have this thing." the boys look at me confused. "I struggle with numbers and stuff like that."

"Yeah so do I, it's called being an idiot." Ken says through a mouthful of chips.

"No it's like an actual thing I have, it's like dyslexia but for numbers."

"No way." Nick says utterly shocked. "So like you can't read numbers?"

"I mean I can but when it comes to doing tests and remembering equations and shit like that I literally can't. I can't even read a clock."

"Maybe I have that." Ken looks stoic. "Nah I'm just an idiot." we all laugh.


I walk to my locker, Lindsay spots me and makes her way over.

"Hey Lori, could I talk to you?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Well Nick told me about what you spoke about during lunch" Oh god did I offend her by talking about Millie?

"Oh I didn't mean any harm, she seems really nice."

"What? No not Millie. About your problems with math" Here we go. "I can tutor you if you like."

"Look Lindsay I appreciate it but just leave it, it's okay." I shut my locker and begin to walk away.

"I'm really good, you'll be getting Bs in no time!"

"Lindsay I said leave it!" She looks at me shocked at the fact I snapped at her, I sigh and walk to the parking lot.

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