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The bookstore-come-coffee shop overflowed with every kind of imaginable book. Every wall, every shelf was lined as far as the eye could see, but it wasn't overwhelming like the shoe store; it was much gentler.

The muted tones of the shelves contrasted with the brightly coloured books, preventing them from overloading the senses. Each book carried a unique look, and left Aiden unsure where to look next. But unlike the shoe store with its overpowering music and vibrant colours, the store was much calmer and easier on the eye and the mind.

A fragrant caramelised spice hung in the air and made Aiden's mouth water; it smelled exactly like a coffee shop should.

He could see why Nathan liked this place so much.

Although customers sat at tables and talked in small pockets throughout the store and into the coffee shop, most sat browsing through books, newspapers, and comics while minding their business.

Nobody would notice or care if the older boy couldn't or wouldn't speak here. They wouldn't judge the boy for writing in a notebook because others did the same. Nathan could blend in like a chameleon, unnoticed.

Wordlessly leading Aiden to the counter, Nathan pressed on, joining the end of the queue with the pink-haired boy in tow.

He continued staring at the ground, mortified by his embarrassing mini-meltdown.

Aiden, deeply involved in his thoughts that he didn't notice how he shuffled his way behind the older boy to the front of the line. He broke from his thoughts when a sickly sweet voice rang out, catching his attention.

"Hi, Nathan,"

Behind the counter stood a petite girl with long blonde hair pulled up into a neat ponytail. Her blue eyes glistened as she set her sights on the white-haired boy.

When he arrived, her peachy skin seemed to glow, and her tiny lips grew into a radiant smile. She was beautiful and would fit on Nathan's arm perfectly.

It was apparent to Aiden, within seconds, that she liked the older boy. When he glanced down at the girl's name tag, he couldn't help the internal sigh; her name was pretty, too.

Nathan half-grinned at the girl Aiden now knew was Halle.

"What would you like?" The blonde asked, leaning forward towards the white-haired boy with a flirtatious smile, her hands creeping towards his as they rested on the counter.

Aiden realised he would have to step in and speak; otherwise, the two boys would stand at the front of the line like a pair of idiots. But he didn't know what Nathan liked.

He should have paid more attention before this point and thought things through. He should have asked instead of worrying about himself.

An awkward exchange was about to happen between him, Nathan, and the girl behind the counter, who would expect the older boy to speak to her any second. 

"Your usual?" She asked, taking Aiden by surprise as she fiddled with the end of her long, glossy hair and giggled when the boy nodded, raising his fingers in silence to indicate he wanted two.

Halle flicked her eyes at the pink-haired boy, making him uncomfortable when she looked him up and down and said okay in a less cheerful tone. She had no interest in him; she only cared about checking Nathan out.

And he couldn't blame her. Those green-brown eyes were like an oil painting, created with such precision that they could trap almost anyone looking into them. How anybody was supposed to escape that intense gaze was a mystery.

The girl tapped away at the cash register and locked her eyes with Nathan's as she said the total, blanking Aiden as he stood less than a foot away from the older boy. On hearing the price, the pink-haired boy reached into his back pocket for his wallet, preparing to pay for whatever mysterious drink Nathan had ordered, but the older boy stopped him.

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