Leaving for Camp...

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Y/N's POV:

I packed my bags and folded up some clothes to take with me. I packed some T-shirts as well as multiple pairs of shorts and my swimsuit. I made sure not to forget anything that I would need and zipped up my bag.
"Y/N, you almost ready up there?" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Be right there, mom!" I swiftly threw my bag on top of my shoulder and headed out the door.
"The bus will be here any minute now," my mom reminded as she peered through the kitchen window. I patted my cat on the head and gave a smooch to my pooch. The bus pulled up right on time. "I love you, sweetie! Be careful, stay safe, and don't forget to have fun!" Mom exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. "Love you, Mom." I smiled back and waved as I made my way to the bus.
I hopped on the bus and took my seat, I decided to sit in the middle row so that I wouldn't get bothered much but I could still talk with my friend.
I opened my book and began reading.
After a few stops I saw someone familiar come on the bus. "Hey, Ruby!" I said and patted the seat next to me. She smiled back and plopped down onto the seat. "What's up, Y/N?" She grinned again. Ruby has been my best friend since she smacked the kid that tripped me in the 4rd grade. She's always stood up for me, I didn't deserve her. We hadn't talked as much lately but our closeness still remained.
"Twilight?!" She exclaimed as she pointed to my book. "Edward is so hot, I'd let him drink my blood." She giggled mischievously. "Ew! Ruby that's so gross!" I laughed at her like she was insane, which she was.

The rest of the bus ride there went relatively smooth, not including the noisy boys in the back of the bus cackling at nothing. Ruby of course fell asleep pretty quickly.
Then soon, we arrived.

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