♛ 11 ♛

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My body aches as I drag it into the palace. Gingerly, I settle onto the edge of the bed. All my energy drains out of me, and I lean forward with a sob. Just when I think I've gotten free, Father returns and pulls the wool off my eyes. I'll never be free.

"There you are, love," Demetrius calls, stepping into the room. "I've been looking all over—" His eyes widen when he sees the welts. "What happened?"

I shake my head, knowing it'll do no good to tell him. Three long strides and he's at my side, tenderly taking my face in his hands and moving it to see the whip marks on my neck better.

"Who. Did. This. To. You," he growls, eyes hardening.

"I told you he would ruin it," I whisper. "I tried to warn you."

"Your Father did this? YOUR FATHER DID THIS?" Demetrius pulls away, pacing around the room, his hands shoved into his hair. He groans, as if physically pained. "This wasn't meant to happen! I— I had guards! I was supposed to protect you!" He turns back to me, dropping to his knees in front of me. "I'm sorry, Vi. I'm so so sorry I let you down." Once again, his gaze hardens. "It won't happen again."

I cup his cheek gently, wincing slightly at the scrape of his scruff on my welts. "You couldn't have known, love. I'll heal."

Tears hang on his beautiful, long lashes, and he kisses my palm lightly. "Let's get some salve on those welts."

I give him a soft smile as he stands and grabs a small container from the armoire. Ever so gently, he wipes a small amount on each of the angry red marks and the stinging and throbbing eases quickly. I sigh, leaning into his touch as he finishes up. With a kiss to my forehead, he tucks me into his arms.

"I'll make this right, love. I promise."

A/N: I know it's short, but that was such an emotional chapter to write 😭 Poor Demetrius and Octavia!

What do you guys think is gonna happen??

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