♛ 12 ♛

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I stare in the mirror, my heart pounding. Hyonias. In my irises. That can only mean one thing.

I'm pregnant.

Of course, only a visit to Helsante will tell for sure, but everyone knows hyonias only show up in your irises for one thing: pregnancies. It's a sign that your magic is being transformed and transferred into a new host. Your child. Demetrius will be ecstatic. He's always loved children.

Pressing a hand to my stomach, I drop onto a stool. I wasn't expecting this so soon. Most Tierians don't have kids for years and here it's only been a few weeks. I check my reflection again. Pointed petals. A girl.

I need to go see Helsante. Quick. Standing, I make it to the front gate before Demetrius discovers me.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he drops his chin on my shoulder. "Going somewhere, love?"

"I'm allowed to come and go as I please, Demetrius. With you being off doing who knows what, I figured you wouldn't even notice."

Since my Father's visit, Demetrius has spent almost every waking moment in his study. Which wouldn't be a problem, but every time I try to join him, he leaves it all behind before I can get a glimpse of what has all his attention.

"I thought I made it up to you quite well," he pouts, pressing a kiss where my neck and shoulder meet.

I shake him off with a laugh. "Kissing me senseless does not make up for being gone every hour of the day sequestered in your study, love. I just have a short trip to make, and I'll be careful. You don't need to worry."

"I'll always worry, love." He spins me around, cupping my cheek with his hand. His eyes lock on mine before glancing between my two pupils. "Am I— are you— your eyes— Octavia," he breathes.

I nod, tears pricking my eyes. "I think so. But I need to go see Helsante to be sure."

Demetrius is shaking his head before I finish. Scooping me into his arms, he purposefully strides back to the castle. "You are a Queen. Helsante comes to you." Fixing his gaze on a nearby servant, he instructs them to find the Shaman and bring her to the palace. He nods and opens a swirling door.

Minutes later, the servant returns with a little old lady. This is the Shaman?

She steps up to me with a confidence only the elderly have. Squinting into my eyes she nods, and stabs my stomach with two fingers. I flinch, but keep my mouth shut. She does a series of tests, each one as odd as the last. Finally, she sits back onto a stool, with a satisfied humph.

Demetrius steps forward, resting his hand against my back. "Well?"

"She's with child alright," Helsante grunts. "Baby girl. Everything healthy and good. If anything change you come find me. Baby be ready few weeks."

Oh my. This is really happening.

Turning her gaze to Demetrius, she points her withered finger at him with a stern look. "You take care of her. She special one."

Demetrius slides his arm around my shoulder. "I will."

Nodding, she pushes to her feet and shuffles out of the room. The second she's out of the room, Demetrius lets out an elated laugh.

"We're having a baby! WE'RE HAVING A BABY!" Turning to me, he wraps me in his arms. "Oh Vi, I'm so happy."

I smile up at him, his excitement flowing into me.

He tips his head back, hollering just like he did that day in the gazebo. With a happy sigh, he looks down at me, his joy evident in every line of his face. "I can't wait to watch you be a mother."

My stomach twists. What if I mess up this girl the way my dad messed me up? I don't remember my mother, she died in childbirth. Demetrius moves to hold my face in his hands.

"Hey," he murmurs, ducking his head to catch my gaze. "Look at me. You're going to be amazing."

"But what if I'm not?" I ask, and the tears escape my hold, running down my face.

He shrugs. "You just will. I'm sure of it."

"Demetrius, we don't even know what good parents are like." I pull away, hugging myself. "How will we know if we're doing it right?"

"We turned out alright, didn't we?"

I spin around to face him, my brows furrowed. He repeats himself. "We turned out alright, despite having incompetent parents. So it won't be the end of the world if we mess up, love. At least now we know what not to do."

He gives me a half smile, holding out his hands. With a sigh, I take them in mine. "I guess that's one way to look at things. Just promise me, we'll do this together. Even if I end up being a terrible mother, promise me you won't give up on me."

"I promise, Vi. We're in this together, forever." Reaching towards me, he gives my side a quick pinch. "You can't get rid of me that easily," he teases, running away from my retaliation.

"Hey! Get back here!"

He laughs, running through the halls of the palace. I follow close behind, my heart lighter than ever since Father showed up. We'll make this work. Eventually, I stop to catch my breath. Of course, my husband looks like he can run for hours more.

A guard takes the opportunity to step forward. "My King," he begins, hitting a fist to his chest. The battle was short lived, Captain Crimson took the victory."


Demetrius glances over at me, all humor drained from him. He places his hands on his hips, pursing his lips. "Thank you Derek, I will give orders when I have a moment to strategize."

The guard nods, hitting his chest once again  and leaves us be.

"Demetrius," I say, my tone full of disapproval. "Care to explain?"

He huffs, setting his hands on his head. "No." With that, he continues walking towards the east wing.

I storm to catch up. "Excuse me? We are not finished. What about that whole 'doing this together' thing, huh? What happened to that?"

Demetrius whirls around. "If we don't fight back, what's to keep your father from killing you next time? I'm not just going to let him push you around!"

"That's our decision to make, Demetrius! Together. Not you going off and being stupidly heroic."

"I vowed to protect you with my life," he whispers, head dropped to his chest.

"And I vowed the same!" Stepping forward, I take his face in my hands. "He will kill you, Demetrius. I can't take that risk."

"And if I don't fight for you, he'll kill you. It appears we're at an impasse."

I huff. "You're infuriating."

He gives me a soft smile. "You love it."

"I do," I agree. "But one day your stupidity is going to get you killed."

"Nah, Deimos will have to drag me off kicking and screaming."

I laugh, a knot forming in my stomach. I hate that he won't leave this alone, but nothing I say will convince him. Something doesn't sit right with me about this. I know my father, and I know my husband. Neither of them will stop until the other is dead.

Emmie Explains: hi! Okay so I figured I'd explain the whole pregnancy thing for Tierians. First, since their bodies heal and grow faster than ours the baby process is faster too. Instead of taking 9 months it's more like 9 weeks. Second, the whole flowers (hyonias are flowers in Extier) in the eyes is just a symbol that their root magic is being transferred to the baby. It's a symptom of being pregnant. They also have flushed skin and a baby bump as time goes on. Now, the shape of the flower tells the gender of the baby. Pointed petals means it's a girl, rounded petals means it's a boy. Feel free to asks any questions that come up in the comments!!

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