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Weeks go by, and it seems like Father gives me a reason to see Demetrius every day. And every time I feel my control over my feelings slip, little by little.

Now, here I stand at his side. Waiting for our cue to stroll into the ballroom. Demetrius smiles over at me, holding out a hand. Taking a deep breath for courage — and to tamp down any butterflies that even think of fluttering around — I place my hand in his. He tucks it into the crook of his arm, and we hear the music quiet just as trumpets blare. Here we go.

Demetrius steps forward, and I follow, keeping our bodies aligned. People turn to watch as we walk through the crowds to the center of the ballroom. Demetrius leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Remember how this dance goes?"

I stifle a smile. "How could I forget after you drilled it in me that summer evening?"

Demetrius's polite smile changes into something large and wolfish. "If only this one could end just like those did."

Suddenly, I'm down beneath that giant oak, laughing and dancing with my favorite person in the world.

"No, no, no Vi! You have to be graceful," Demetrius laughs.

I raise an eyebrow, my hands falling to my hips. "I'm perfectly graceful. I haven't knocked you on your butt yet."

Demetrius rolls his eyes, flopping onto the ground with a groan. "Not that kind of graceful."

I laugh, settling down beside him and running my fingers through his hair. "Come now, it wasn't that bad. I only stepped on your toes twice."

"Only?" He scoffs. "Are you forgetting how you forgot the steps, almost knocked me off my feet and how you keep distracting me with thoughts of..." his eyes drop from mine and linger on my lips. I chew gently on my lower lip, knowing how much it distracts them.

"With thoughts of what, Demetrius?" He shifts up into his elbows, closing the gap between us.

"Something along the lines of this," he murmurs, pressing his lips to mine. My hands cup his cheeks, and I can't help but smile. If only I could stay here, with him.

The music pulls me out of the bittersweet memories, and I adjust myself. Demetrius gives me a look that says he knows exactly where my thoughts went. I glare at him, and step forward in time with the music. I had practiced alone in my room at night for hours to get these steps right. Now, I can do them without a second thought. Which is all the worst for me because nothing keeps me from noticing how Demetrius steps closer than necessary, or the way his fingers linger longer, or the way his amethyst eyes whisper how much he adores me. It's too much. My heart pounds in my chest, trying to escape and reunite with its match. The butterflies join in, hurling themselves against my stomach.

All the while, my feet move through the steps oh so gracefully, and my eyes stay locked on Demetrius's. It's almost magical. If only my body wasn't trying to rebel, it would be enchanting.

The music fades, and Demetrius's eyes glint with mischief. Pulling me in, he dips me down, pressing his lips to mine before I can protest.

Everything stops. The pounding, the crashing, the noise. All I feel is heat everywhere Demetrius and I meet.

All too soon, he's pulling away. I'm suddenly aware of my lack of air, and I drag in breaths. Demetrius leads me towards the terrace with a knowing look. He's always had this effect on me, and he knows it.

We reach the terrace before I can come up with a response. Do I want to be angry or drag him to an empty corner and kiss the daylights out of him?

He pulls away from me, moving to lean against the railing with a cocky smirk. Anger it is. He turns to look out over the gardens, and I throw my shoe at his head. It bounces off, and he spins around.

"What the heck were you thinking?!" I hiss, not wanting to draw more attention.

He raises both eyebrows. "You're upset?"

"Of course I'm upset! Everyone is going to talk and- and they're going to want a proposal and- and my father- ohhhh my father! He's going to be livid!"

He looks around in exasperation. "It was one kiss, Vi. Don't act like we haven't had more." I huff, reaching down to grab my other shoe. His eyebrows go up again. "Throw it, I dare you."

I've never backed down from a challenge. I raise my arm, snapping my wrist and releasing the shoe. It flies towards his face, but he catches it in one hand.

"Shoe throwing again, Vi? I thought you preferred hand to hand."

I growl, stomping forward. His arms snag around my waist as he pulls me into his chest. I squirm, but he tightens his grip like a snake. Going still to fake him out, I lean against him. Instead of releasing me, he brings me tighter against him.

"I have something to ask you, but it can't happen while you're still mad. Are you calm?"

I nod, and he finally lets his grip on me loosen. His hands stay connected around my waist, but he leans back enough to see my face. His chest rises with an inhale. I stare at the buttons on his coat, not daring to look him in the eye.

"Marry me, Octavia Bradbury," he whispers.

I stop breathing. What did he just say? "That's not a question," I mumble.

I swear he rolls his eyes, but I'm not looking up to see. If I look into his eyes, I won't be able to stop myself from saying yes despite how I want to say no.

"Will you marry me, Vi? There. Is that better?"

I look down at our shoes and shake my head softly. "I can't." The two words come out quieter than I'd hoped, but Demetrius still hears them just fine.

"Why not?" He asks, his hands moving to grab my arms. He shifts me back ever so gently to tip my head up. His eyes sparkle at me, but there's also pain deep within them. They look the exact way I feel.

"My father hates you after what you've done."

Demetrius scoffs. "I don't care how your father feels about me. I care about you. Why won't you marry me?" I press my lips together tightly, staring at his coat again. "Vi..." he dips his head to force me to look at him, so I turn my head.

"I'm not the same as I used to be, Demetrius. I've changed."

"So? I'm not either. That doesn't mean your feelings have to change."

I sigh, reaching my hands up to my head. "Why are you being so stubborn about this? I said no, move on."

"You don't just move on when the love of your life comes back after you stupidly let her go." Demetrius shakes his head. "No, you pursue her like never before until she knows you're never letting her go again. Then you make her your wife."

Tears well up in my eyes, and I stifle a sob. Why can't he just let me go? "Demetrius."


I sigh. He's not letting this go. Without a word, I pull from his grip. Surprisingly, he lets me. I walk down the steps into the garden, hoping against hope that he won't follow. He surprises me again and doesn't. I run into the roses, tears streaming down my cheeks. He's going to keep asking until I say yes. I know it. And there's no way I can keep refusing.

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