[Part 14] ||"groceries... still."

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I'm so fucking sorry for the GIF


Uhm...I Hope you enjoy this chapter?


"Tax fraud? Is it tax fraud?" 

The turtle frowns at this question, confused, "How would I commit tax fraud at the mall?" You cross your arms, explaining, "Well, you see, that's the answer I'm waiting for, Leonardo."

Leonardo looks remarkably offended at this, which is rich, coming from the same man that tried to set fire to a fire extinguisher one week ago. After staring at you dumbstruck for five-ish seconds, he shakes his head swiftly and finally decides to answer, "I- I set a beachball loose! And Do-" 


All your senses go into a trance, this was truly mesmerizing. You had never seen someone fail at buying groceries before. 

"....Y/N?" You are unable to let any phase other than a silent "... How does one set  a beachball loose?" escape your lips. The idiot stops moving at this, probably trying to phrase the situation into something slightly comprehensive, "I...I don't know! It just started running!" Okay, now you're confused.

"I... Okay..." he becomes defensive, "Don't okay me in that tone! I'm serious!" You cackle at this, "Oh, of course you are, darling. Careful,-" You get closer to him in a menacing way, nails gripping tightly into his shoulders through his hoodie "They can smell fear"  If you were going to get mocked like this, why not mock a bit back? He becomes even more defensive to this statement, if that's even possible "Tell that to Donnie!" pursing his lips and turning his head away from you, he completes in a murmur, "He's the one afraid of beachballs, not me.."

A though rushes through your mind, is he... Trying to scare Donnie in some kind of prank? Are you supposed to be the mail-bird to all of this nonsense? 

"Okay bud, time to stop all of those little pranks, alright?" You say mockingly, resting your palms in his plastron and pushing him away slowly, "I need some milk" he stares at you offended, "Y/N! Come on! I'm telling you, that ball is running around this mall! In horror movies, the handsome guy always dies first and I-" Before he can finish, you pull him to the side by the edge of his hood, making his step out of your way and going forward into your little quest for milk.

Just by sound alone and Leo-101 alone, you can tell that he snaps his head in your direction just as you were about to take a turn into another isle, furrowing his brows and glimpsing at a package of milk misplaced on a shelf nearby, "MILK! You wanted milk, right?" You turn back in annoyance just to see the origin of the voice holding into a package of milk and waving it into the air, sweating bullets and smiling awkwardly.

Before you can even think of a response, he interrupts the unsaid by throwing the package into your arms uncaringly from half an isle away and running in your direction immediately afterward, "Now! Let's get that beachball, eh? eeh?~" This dude is really obsessed with catching this damn ball, dammit. He grabs your sleeve and pulls you around like a pup on a leash for a while until you finally object, pulling your sleeve away, "Leo, what's going on?" He stops his quick steps just to look at you, "Why are you so obsessed with this said 'walking beach ball'?"

"... Last Christmas, I gave Donnie a beachball as a present as a JOKE..." Oh, you can see where this is going. You stare at him dead in the eyes, waiting for him to continue, face stuck in an angry frown, "And splinter told me that if Donnie saw any beachball ever again he'd ban me from watching Jupiter Jim for a month!" He clutches his fists and throws them around in a small fit, slightly covered away by a really... Odd grin. He was so nervous about this whole deal to the point of forming this weird, anxious smile, it showed too many teeth. Augh.

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