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Supporting Male Lead’s Counterattack Manual [Quick Transmigration] Chapter 35: 纨 绔 (10) (1)

In winter, the trees withered, and heavy snow fell in Shengjing. The originally busy streets were cooled down because of the unusual cold days this year. The small vendors who came out to sell in the past, the people who came out to buy things, and even the street patrols were not visible. .

No way, it's too cold this day, and it has even reached the point where water splashes into ice. Sheng Jing has always been colder than the south in winter, but it has never been as cold as this year.

On the road covered with heavy snow, there was a stampede.

Then there was the sound of the cheerful suona.

Originally, they could not wait behind closed windows waiting for the passing of the winter to open the window curiously, and found a head, want to see who chooses to do a happy event in such a cold day.

From the farthest to the nearest, a big red flower bridge appeared in people's sight, surrounded by people dressed in red clothes. In front of the flower bridge, a handsome and handsome man rode on the mighty horse and laughed very loudly.

Obviously, this is the groom officer.

Xi Yuzhen, who was sitting in Huaqiao, covered his head, and swayed as Huaqiao walked. A girl next to the sedan chair said with regret: "It's a pity that the marriage was done too quickly, and I chose this winter. Everyone was bored in the room, and looked at nothing lively. "

She is the three-sided spy. Since knowing that she is Duan Qingen's person, Xi Yuzhen has got a little closer to this girl. Madam Hou also feels that this girl's deed is here. She is not afraid of regurgitation. She took the opportunity to mention that she did it. Xi Yuzhen followed the first class girl and asked her to marry him.

Seeing Xi Yuzhen's trust in this girl, as if she had no doubts about the last water pour incident, Mrs. Hou also felt that she could use this girl to stump Xi Yuzhen in the future.

However, the girl who had high hopes by Mrs. Hou was already spurred. At this moment, she was dedicating herself to her sister and was standing beside the sedan chair angrily, "During the sixteenth, Lang Jun came to mention the family affairs, Madam. Instead of saying that the distressed sister got married early, and wanted to keep her around for a while, she turned out to be seventeen. She also said that it was too late to handle the dowry, they had been engaged for a few years, and it was too foolish! "

Xi Yu is really not so angry with her. Anyway, what kind of person her aunt is, she already knows, not to mention, since she got engaged with Duan Qingen and knew his plan, she has consciously stopped herself from focusing on the gains and losses of a government. Backyard battles, but look farther.

"I wasn't a mother-in-law, and my relationship was faint. I didn't expect her to help dowry, so why should I be angry."

The girl was full of grievances for her master. "Even if the wife doesn't handle it for her sister, she still has to drag her sister's wedding date and look at the whole Shengjing. There are a few Langjun who are still unmarried at the age of seventeen. If it weren't for Lang Jun's heart full of sisters and self-cleansing, there would have been people around him now. "

"She did it on purpose! She wanted to drag her sister on purpose!"

Xi Yuzhen knows that this girl is right. If it was not her luck, the engagement was Duan Qingen. I am afraid that she will be dragged into marriage as the aunt wants. There is no reason for the man to wait for the woman. Even if Duan Qing Enna had a sister-in-law, she had no reason to say anything.

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