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Supporting Male Lead’s Counterattack Manual [Quick Transmigration] Chapter 141: Uncle Huang (8)

When the news of Duan Qingen's visit to Lord Wan came, the adults who were comfortably serving tea in the hall sipped the tea directly.

"What? Who? Who do you say visit me?"

The next person saw him like this, and quickly said again: "Master Yao Yao."

"King Yao ..."

Master Wan's expression is dull, his eyes are empty, he almost doubts that he is dreaming.

He is a small five-ranking official. In the boundary like Beijing, except for ordinary people and subordinates, the people above him know almost nothing about him.

The King Yao is a dignified grandfather, and they have no friendship in the past. This is not a good year, and there is no red and white matter. How could the King Yao come to see him as a small official.

Seeing his own master still stunned, Xiao Xiao underneath hurriedly said, "Master, Yaowang's frame can just wait outside, but you should give a message to the younger, and the younger one will talk back."

The master, Wan Wanren, did n’t know what to do because King Yao was driving. The biggest official I've ever seen in my life is naturally the overwhelming boss of his boss.

"Talk back, yes, talk back ..."

Master Wan said a few words, and suddenly stood up: "No, no, no, I'll meet them in person."

He ’s Wang Ye. He ’s such a small official, Wang Ye has come to the door. Does he still have to look like an uncle in the hall?

But greet, he never received Wang Ye at home, how to greet?

I am afraid that something will happen to affect the whole family, and anxiously take a few steps in place:

"Why did Yao Yao come to the house? It used to be clear that there was no intersection."

Xiao Yan: "Master, maybe Lord Wang just heard that you have a good reputation and came to visit you."

"Visit?" Master Wan smiled bitterly: "If that's the case, I only ask His Royal Highness Yao Yao to finish his visit early and leave. There is only me in my house who is a top five official. Where can I afford to visit him?

But now is not the time to complain, you still have to rush in, or a bad one is a sin of neglect.

After thinking clearly, Master Wan went out quickly, took two steps, suddenly turned back, and told his little sister:

"I went to meet the king in the front. You go to the backyard and tell the old lady that the king Yao came to our house, let her be optimistic about the people in the middle of the house, and she should not let the female relatives come to the front yard.

Generally, this kind of family affairs is negotiated with Mrs. Wan, but the identity of King He Yao is still a little too honorable for them. Mrs. Wan is worried that his wife has panicked for a while, and still has to live for so many years. , And a more prudent old lady to be safe.

"Yes, go small."

The little sister-in-law got the order and immediately trot away.

If it had been before, Master Wan might even scold him so that he wouldn't run so fast and looked different.

But now, thinking of the door waiting for King Yao, he could not wait to fly up and rushed to the door to greet him.

So why did Yao Yao come to him?

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