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Supporting Male Lead’s Counterattack Manual [Quick Transmigration] Chapter 82: My Ancient Apprentice (11)

No matter how the chicken-hair male's parents faced a costume, how delicate and timid his daughter-in-law was.

Duan Qingen, who is here, pointed out, and felt that he couldn't just stay in the yard and wait for the police station to occasionally ask him to help him guess something and sit back and eat.

So empty nest old man Duan Qing'en moved a small horse, mixed with a group of retired old men who played chess together in the county seat, and played chess with them.

He has a high level of chess skills, and there are wins and losses when playing with others. He usually chats and is very humorous. These old men like to play with him.

After all, it is boring to lose or not to win. It is the most fun to win or lose.

And Duan Qingen said a little bit. People occasionally talked about everything, from astronomy and geography to cooking and teaching children. Duan Qingen was able to say one or two sentences. For a time, he was in his thirties, looking young and his age was here. Among the group of old men, it is true that young and young people have a reputation.

Duan Qing'en has never covered up what he guessed.

Of course, he does not say that he is a fortune teller, he says that he is based on scientific calculations.

If this were to be replaced by young people, like Zhang Wei, maybe Duan Qingen would be fooling or making up.

But these old ladies and old ladies don't think so much. They are older and lived so long. They have seen a lot of things and they are not as easily deceived as young people think.

Each one is quite savvy, and has also experienced some special times.

So Duan Qingen insisted that this was a scientific operation. Among the old ladies and old ladies, he accepted it much faster than Zhang Wei.

This day, an old man's grandson came to see his grandpa.

Their county seat is a small county seat. The place is small and the price is low. These old men who play chess are too old. They either have retirement wages or filial piety. Just on the day.

The old man's surname is Du. He is more than sixty years old this year. He is also the best among many old men.

Because he has a pension, his children and grandchildren are filial.

He gave birth to two sons, and the two sons gave him two grandchildren. The two sons were raised by their parents when they were young. The two grandchildren also lived with their grandparents when they were young and had affection for them.

Both sons worked well and got high wages. Both grandchildren passed the college entrance examinations. After graduating from college for several years, they could give grandparents pocket money every year.

Visiting Mr. Du today is his grandson. It is said that he is now working as an engineer in a Fortune 500 company and can earn a lot of votes a month.

He took a paid vacation and wanted to come back and see the old man. By the way, although this is a small county, the air is very good, and live well for a few days.

The old man Du said that he would take him out and walk around, and when they were playing chess, the grandson scurried around the river bank.

As a result, Duan Qingen was watched.

Duan Qingen said, "Did you not tell me yesterday to help me figure out where your lost jade is? Don't worry about it, I'll know it when I see your grandson."

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