The rules of the game

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Derwin stands in the kitchen, blending fruit for a smoothie when his girlfriend, Alexis, walks in, coffee in hand. She sets her cup on the table and leans against the counter, a playful smile on her face. "You're in a blast package. Blue right. Fake 22 iso 989—what do you do?" Derwin straightens up, a spark of pride in his eyes. "Since I'm the Z receiver, I run nine, a go route."

"And he scores! The crowd goes wild!" Alexis cheers, throwing her hands up in an exaggerated celebration, her enthusiasm infectious. Derwin chuckles, shaking his head at her antics. "Your turn, Lex. Incapacitation that focuses on offenders with a high risk of serious recidivism is termed... blank incapacitation."

"Selective?" Alexis answers hesitantly, furrowing her brow in thought. "That's what I'm talking about!" Derwin exclaims, pouring his shake into a cup and holding up his hand for a high five. She slaps his palm, a wide grin spreading across her face. "That's good, boo," he compliments, and she takes a mock bow, soaking in the praise. "I think you're gonna pass this. You being a lawyer is all we have to fall back on if this football career doesn't work."

Alexis rolls her eyes, but her smile betrays her confidence. "I know, but I'm confident that I will pass." Derwin opens the fridge, rummaging through it for snacks. "Now, an eye for an eye is an example of punishment based on...?"

"Retribution!" Alexis interjects, a triumphant smile lighting up her face as she watches Derwin throw his arms up in celebration. "That's my girl!" he replies happily, his pride noticeable. "And when you become the starting receiver for the Sabers, you won't need me to fall back on," she adds, her tone teasing as she grabs a water bottle from the fridge. Derwin grins, playfully puffing out his chest. "Thank you."

"Except for your ride home because I'm taking the car today," Alexis says, arching an eyebrow at him. "What?" Derwin scrunches his face in confusion, disbelief creeping in. "I've got things to do: class, groceries, and that stupid meeting for the Sunbeams," she replies with a hint of disgust, shaking her head as if to dismiss the very idea.

"I know you've got a lot going on, babe, but getting in good with those Saber wives is really gonna help me fit in around here," Derwin says, plucking a handful of grapes and popping one into his mouth. "No, your skills are what's gonna get you to fit in," Alexis corrects him, grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder as he grabs his gear. "You know what I mean. Plus, God is gonna bless you for this," he says, following closely behind her as they head for the door.

"Yeah, we'll see," Alexis replies sarcastically, closing the door behind her with a firm click, causing Derwin to stop in his tracks, a look of mock horror on his face.


Later, Alexis arrives at Kelly's house for the Sunbeams meeting. The living room buzzes with conversation as women in sharp outfits gather around, sipping drinks and catching up. Kelly stands at the front, her smile wide as she addresses the group. "Welcome, Saber Sunbeams," Kelly announces, her voice dripping with enthusiasm. "I am so proud of this organization and all that we do. Giving back to the people of San Diego, both those here legally and illegally." She pats a girl on the shoulder, her hand lingering in a way that makes Alexis raise an eyebrow. The odd choice of words prompts her to exchange a puzzled look with Melanie , who sits beside her. "To kick off this week's meeting," Kelly continues, reaching for a small book on the table beside her, "I thought it might be apropos to read the meaning of charity."

Kelly opens the book, flipping to a marked page. "'Almsgiving... benevolence... or generosity towards others,'" she reads slowly, her tone solemn. She pauses, closing the book with a sigh, as if the weight of the words presses on her. "Sit with that," Kelly says, her eyes sweeping over the group. "Now, I know our men get all the glory..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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