💖Roy Koopa🖤

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He's 21 years old.

Roy loves to party and wants to throw a party when Bowser isn't home.

He's older then Ludwig.

He could pick up anyone and used to give them piggy back rides when they were younger.

He is obsessed by making his muscles bigger

He and Ludwig would get into fights and arguments. He ends up hitting him and getting in trouble.

Roy always wears his glasses because he has something dark under them.

Roy hates studying and going to school.

Sometimes he punch his siblings except for Wendy for "fun".

Roy spend a lot of time punching things on his room.

He hates westing time always capturing the princess.

He loves raping and playing rock music.

Even being a typical bully. he loves his siblings but he will never shows that.

His Story
Roy's bullying got from his father. He was taught by his dad about bullying orders if he gets bullied. So that's why he was being a bully.

And on a day. Roy was taken away and his father was sent to jail. Roy had trouble trusting Bowser. Because he didn't wanna see him as his dad. He met Morton and Zane. And didn't get along well.

But when he was 20 years old. He and Morton got along well and became buddies. He and Zane kinda had a hate relationship with each other.

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