💙Ludwig Von Koopa💙

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He's 19 years old.

He gots dark secrets in him.🤔

He has a scar on his right eye. (From Roy)

There's someone after him and tries capturing him...😱

His favorite food is Pizza🍕

He loves playing piano🎹

Has an allergy to peanuts🥜

His loves his hair perfectly and fabulous.

He has a plush wolf, his mother gave him that and he never wants to loose it.

"Kooky" is a fear of him. Whenever someone calls him that. He would get a panic attack and tried keeping his emotional control. But breaks down crying.

Ludwig is good brother, he is always taking care of his siblings, mostly Lemmy.

He secretly listen other musical styles, he hates rocking and loud noises.

He loves eating healthy stuff, so he isn't called Fat or any rude names.

Ludwig's childhood was kinda sad.
His Story
His father is a powerful entity who seeks to guard Ludwig from danger. His Mother was Murdered By Fawful and a powerful ghost entity as well. Fawful wanted to take Ludwig because he was kinda special to him. But Ludwig's mother saved him by putting him in a box and threw him in the river. It was the only way to keep Ludwig safe.

Kamek saw the box and open to reveal a baby Koopaling. He takes him back to the castle. Ludwig met the 4 Koopalings and got along with Zane. He became close with Iggy. Roy kinda bullied him and Morton defendant him.

Over the years. Bowser taught him to play the piano and it went pretty well. Ludwig wanted to get the throne. But his anger on Junior just made him wanna murder him in cold blood.

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