Chapter 21

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This chapter is dedicated to Kimmi789 because it was her birthday on Monday! And since this chapter was late, (my fault), I wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday! :D


Our first trip. 

It was a sunday morning—two days after our first date. After the movie, Kylie was gushing about how Edward was so romantic, and how hot he was, and blah blah blah.

I mean he wasn't that great. So, I had to outdo him. I had to show her that I was more romantic and more better looking than that sparkling vampire. So, I took her somewhere she'd always wanted to go to since she was tall enough to go, but couldn't since she didn't want to bother her parents. She said she didn't want them to waste their money on her when they could easily buy a whole month's worth of groceries. But I knew her. And I knew she was dying to go.

But that was easier said than done. Trying to wake up her up at 6:30 am was like trying to get the president of the United States of America to give you his secret codes. It was impossible. 

And if there's one thing I know about her, it's that Skylar Park is anything but a morning person. The house could be on fire, and she wouldn't even wake up. If you try to wake her, she'd probably smack you across the face, and then go back to sleep. 

Yeah, I know, lovely isn't she? But that's my Kylie for you. A feisty little cutie that I love so much. Gosh, was she gorgeous. 

Now . . . before I lose my train of thought by her beauty, let's get back to the story. Kylie was sleeping peacefully in her bed when her parents let me up to her room. They quickly disappeared wishing me a luck, knowing the troubles I would be dealing with soon.

Taking a deep gulp of breath, I headed towards her, taking a sat next to her on the bed. Gently rubbing her shoulder, I shook her awake, calling out her name. She stirred for a second, before smacking my hand away.

Kylie, you need to get up. I said to her.

She grumbled something under her breath, before rolling away from me. 

I sighed. Kylie. You need to get up.

I waited a few seconds. No response. Either she was ignoring me or she already went back to sleep. 

Kylie. I shook her again. Come on, time for our second date.

She rolled over towards me, glaring up at me with hooded eyes. Do you have any idea what time it is? She asked.

I nodded. It's half past six.

Exactly. So shut up and go back to sleep. She barked back before throwing the covers over her body. 

I groaned. This was not going well, I thought. Kylie was a tough cookie.

Babe. I whined. We need to leave before seven thirty if we want to get there on time. She barely flinched let alone moved when I said that. Come on Kylie, do you not want to go to Virginia? 

She shot up so fast, I thought her head had snapped. Well that was easy. Maybe I should've said that in the first place.

What did you say? She asked.

Virginia. I told her. Do you want to go?

She narrowed her eyes at me. And how exactly are we going to get there?

Plane. I answered her. 

I can't afford a ticket! She shouted.

I smiled. She was so cute. But I can. I said. And everything is already arranged. We just need to be there by seven.

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