Chapter 13

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Blinking my eyes effortlessly open, I saw the familiar name flashing across my screen. Wyatt. The corners of my lips automatically turned upwards, forming a smile. Pushing my hair back, I rolled onto my stomach, snatching my phone off my desk. Typing in my password quickly, I clicked on his text message.

         ‘Good morning! How are you doing on this fine, beautiful morning?’

         I chuckled out loud, rolling my eyes at the screen. That’s just like him. Since I’d given him my number the other day, we’d been texting each other twenty-four seven. The more I got to know him, the more he reminded me of Christian. I’ll admit, talking to Wyatt was a nice change for once. It kinda gets boring when the only people you talk to are your parents, your boss, and your friend.

         Biting down on my bottom lip, I tapped the rectangle that said text message before I started typing in my reply:

         ‘Horrible. You woke me up.’

         Before I could even put my phone down, I felt the familiar vibrations buzzing away in the palm of my hand.

         ‘It can’t be all that bad :P You’re talking to me!’

         I let out a snort at his choice of words. ‘Ah huh. So talking to you suddenly makes everything better?’

         Hitting sent, I placed my phone down next to my pillow, before I kicked the covers off my body. Suddenly feeling the morning chill, I hurried and grabbed a change of clothes. Just when I was about to push my arms through my sleeves I heard the familiar noise of a new text message. With my arms in a weird position, I plopped forward onto my bed, and reached for my phone.

         ‘Of course! You love talking to me :P’ I shut my eyes, laughing quietly at his attempt at being humorous. Already knowing what to say, I quickly typed in my reply before pushing my arms through the holes of my sleeves.

         Blowing a kiss to Mr. Nibbles, I gave him his breakfast before heading into the bathroom. When I was face to face with my stained glass mirror, I grimaced, jumping backwards at the sight of my hair. Lifting my bangs, I blew out a loud sigh, knowing how hard it was going to be to tame this wild beast I like to call my hair. 

         After minutes of pulling and tugging and some tears, I was finally able to see my normal-pin straight hair. Smiling contentedly, I splashed some water on my face, before adding a bit of makeup, and brushing my teeth.

         Once my morning routine was complete, I made sure everything was as good as it could be, before I headed back into my bedroom to see my phone flashing Wyatt’s name. Seeings the sentence, ‘Well for one, you’re replying back to my ridiculous texts.’ in my bold styled letters, I gave out a loud chuckle, throwing my head back.

         Taking a seat at the foot of my bed, I texted ‘true’ before hitting send. It took only a second before his response popped up on my screen.

         ‘Ha! So you agree with me!’

         ‘Did not!’ I sent him, instantly.

         ‘Did too!’

         Staring at the screen I debated if I should put him out of his misery or outright lie to him. In the end I decided to lie—playing along.

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