Day Two: Realization

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Could it be that I was born different? I was born with an uncommon mind yet whenever I try to speak it... it just... doesn't seem to solidify itself. It makes me look like a liar! An attention seeking brat whose life goal is to make her parents worried, isn't that so? I can't stand myself.

I could have given him a name. Henry, Daniel or Chase. I think those could have been some interesting names. However, he's not mine to name. I don't even know his gender, if he even has any. When entering someones life it's polite to introduce yourself with your first name, yet when he came into my life...
He just appeared. On the other hand, he can't talk. He can speak, but not talk. I can hear him, but others can't. Call me psycho all you want, he's here and not here at the same time. It's confusing and frustrating! Give it some time. You're bound to understand someday.

I can pretend very easily. It's like second nature, however, I can't fake being myself forever. Maybe I should talk to someone about this. I don't know, I'll think about it more tomorrow.

Atleast I understand my uncontrollable flaw. Now, how do I fix it? I personally don't mind, but others do.

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