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Jin pov........
After hobi telled me that isha have fever i went inside her room and saw her sweating. She really don't listen why did she taked a bath this late.
Jin: ishu, princess wake up.
Isha: oppa what happened?(rubbing her eyes)
Jin: here eat this. (Handle medicine)
Isha: oppa i am fine don't worry.
Jin: isha.
Isha: hmm give me. (After eating the medicine)
Isha: oppa suga and hobi oppa telled everything right.
Jin: hmm don't worry ishu hmm Don't stress your self you have fever right.
Isha: hmm good night.

Time skip morning...........isha pov........
Ahh! This head ache i woke up and was greeted by a headache. I saw the time it was 6:56 am. I did my morning routine and went downstairs.......
Jin: bub you woke up you should be resting.
Isha: don't worry oppa.
Suga: where are you going?
Isha: just going on a jogging.
Rm: okay but be before breakfast.
Isha: hmm.
Suga: bub what happened?
Isha: just a headache oppa.
Hobi: want medicine?
Isha: na i will manage bye.
All 4 : bye.

After i came in a park near our house i saw there was not so much people.
I was sitting while resting my head on the bench back. I was sitting that's when two boys came toward me. I raised my eye brows but they both grab my both hands and tried to take me some where but i blow a punch towards the 2 boy causing him to hand on the ground. I then kick that 1 boy and he also landed onto the ground, i was about to go that's when my head started feeling light.
' not now isha please don't faint please ' isha thought to herself but before she could even put another step she fainted.

Time skip.........
I woke up when someone poured cold water on me and saw i was in a room sitting on a chair my hands were tied what i can even expect when you get kidnap. Ah i hate this headache because of this fucking head ache i am here sitting on a chair i want to go home.
??: Oh see the sleeping Beauty is up! (A boy look like rm oppa age said)
Isha: who the hell you are?
??: Oh you are so much curious to know.(smirk)
??: I am Lee yong. And for your information i wasn't going to kidnap you but you fainted right infront of my boys how can i ignore this much good opportunity.
Isha: you are nothing just a weakling you take me as a hostage to make my brothers come here.(smirk)
Yong: you! (Slap isha causing her lips to bleed)
Isha: tch slaping a girl is what your parents told you if you have courage untie my hands.
Yong: huh? Do you think i will but don't worry i will kill you after your brothers will be here i told them to come they must be on the way.
Isha: if they saw you slapped me they will kill you without mercy.
Yong: oh is that so let's see boys.(he snap his finger and there come 2 boys )
Yong: beat this girl till her brothers come let's see what her brothers van do.
Isha: (sigh) why don't everyone tale my warning seriously why?.
Isha in mind- i can't beat them oppas must he coming there is only one way get beating till my brothers come. Ahh why me if this brat wouldn't have called my brothers i would have killed him by my bare hands.
The two boys then start beating isha.

Jin pov.........
Isha went for a jog i was making breakfast, suga was cutting vegetables, rm and hobi was making chocolate shake and putting plates on the table. Yesterday Jungkook came late he said he was at Han river, whenever isha or Jungkook fights they always go there.
One by one everyone came but isha still didn't came.
Tae: hyung where is isha?
Jin: i don't know she said she is going for a walk but it's been 1 and the half  hours she is not here.
Jungkook was acting like he don't care but he was listening to everyones talk.
He was hella worried for her afterall he is her twin he got a feeling she is not safe.
After few minutes everyone in the room get a message video from an unknown number.
All: (look at each other) (opens the video)

Yong was standing there and said......
Hey BTS the Biggest mafia, i have a great surprise for you guys wanna see. Yong said and showed isha sitting on a chair unconsciously with her hands tied up.
I know you guys must be now boiling in anger because i kidnapped your one and only sister but 1 i didn't wanted to kidnap your sister my intention was to hurt her but when my boys was about to hurt her she fainted see because of your careless she is now here with me and wanna see what i will do next see. Yong said and snap his finger then there come a boy with cold water and poured it on isha.
I will not kill her till you come so let's see if you can save your sister.


After seeing the video everyone in the room was boiling in anger.
Jin: let's go.
All: hmm.

Time skip...........isha pov........
After few minutes of beating yong stopped his boys. Isha was forcing herself to keep her eyes open.
But after that the room door opened with a thud ........... The BTS came.......
When Bts saw isha in this bad condition they started fighting everyone in the room Taehyung and Jungkook went towards isha who was forcing herself to keep her eyes open.
Taehyung: ishu no no don't close you eyes.(he said while tapping her cheeks lightly)
Isha: o-oppa. (Like a whisper)
Taehyung: yes bub see we are here.
Jungkook untie isha's hand.
Jungkook: ishu no please don't close your eyes see your oppas are here no please...(he said while tears were flowing continuously)
After killing everyone even yong they take isha to their car.
After reaching the hospital doctor take isha with them. Jungkook fell on his knees.
Jungkook: because of me ishu is in this condition.( Jungkook said and started crying badly)
Jimin: no Jungkook please don't blame yourself if isha will saw you like this she will be sad please don't cry. (Jimin said while hugging Jungkook)
Jungkook: no because...... because of me if i shouldn't have said those things to her, but here me i brat i am so sorry hyung i am so sorry i didn't kept my promise to keep her safe.(crying)
Suga: no Jungkook you didn't do anything please don't blame yourself see if bubble got to know that you cried this much she will be sad na please don't cry.
After few doctors came.......
Jin: doctor how is she?
Doctor: she is fine now the injuries are not that much deep but because of getting wet this early in the morning and with cold water she got high fever now the thing is she has a high fever and she is still unconscious. I think if you take her home it will be good.
Rm: okay doctor thank you.
Doctor: hmm.

All came to the room where isha was she was covered in bandages. Bts one and only sister.
Jimin taked isha in koala hug and take her to their car.
Isha's head was on Namjoon's lap she was still unconscious.
When they come home they taked isha to her room.
Jin, hobi, suga was making lunch and soup for isha as she has fever, jimin and Taehyung were playing games in isha's room, rm was sitting on the left side of the bed and Jungkook was sitting on the right side of the bed.
After coming home isha started gaining consciousness and when she woke up her brothers bombarded her with questions, Jungkook even cried for hours feeling guilty, isha even forgive him she was feeling dizzyness so jin said she should take rest as she was still healing.
Her 4 brothers were so into game that they didn't noticed suga was on the door seeing everyone.
Suga: yah you brats stop playing see isha will woke up.
Jungkook: hyung she will not.
Suga: yes she will but wait- ( suga went towards isha and saw her frowing in her sleep)
Isha: oppa n-no please please. (Mumbling in her sleep)
Suga: bub wake up see what happened?
Isha: oppa?
Suga: yes bub see i am here what happened?
Isha: oppa where were you i saw a bad dream. (While rubbing her eyes)
Rm: hey didn't i telled you not to rub your eyes huh Don't touch your eyes!
Isha: yeah yeah oppa i know. Oppa water.
Jungkook: here.
Isha: oppa why are you all here?
Suga: these two were playing games and there two were seeing them.
Isha: (sigh) oppa. (Looking down at her lap)
All: hmm.
Isha: will you l-leave me when you will find you love? (Looking down)
All: (all were sad because isha thought that they will leave her when they will get married) no.
Isha: but what if you?
Hobi: then you can beat us and i will not say anything.
Jimin: we will never ever leave you okay
Isha: hmm. But i am hungry.
Taehyung: let's go and eat lunch. (Taehyung said as ge carried isha in his arms)

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