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3rd person pov.............

Jin: Isha Bubble wake up.
Jin said sitting on her bed, Isha only put her head on his lap and said.
Isha: oppa i want to sleep.
Jin: (smile) but it's 10:23 am you still want to sleep.
Isha: hmm i didn't slept yesterday properly.
Jin: why do you have fever? Or something.
Isha: no i was scared.
Jin: why are you scared bub we are with you na! See your brothers are The biggest CEO in Korea and also the mafia Kings why are you scared.
Isha: (shook her head) no it's just i.....
Jin: (peck her forehead) it's okay but still don't worry hmm.
Isha: hmm oppa today IU, yeonjun, Eunwoo and Lisa are going to the mall for shopping can i go too?
Jin: yeah you can but take care hmm.
Isha: thankyou.
Jin: do you have money?
Isha: hmm i have the card which dad gave me I didn't used it much.
Jin: now get ready okay.
Isha: hmm.

<Isha has her own black card but as her brothers don't know she is a mafia she don't use it because if she use they will get suspicious how did she get a black card>

Isha went to the bathroom and freshed up and weared this........

Isha went to the bathroom and freshed up and weared this

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Their University is closed because of some problems. Suga and hobi are on a  mission, Namjoon was talking to someone, jimin and Taehyung was doing some work on their laptops and about Jungkook, he is messing with yeontan........
Isha came and sat on the kitchen counter like always...... Everyone woke late because they were tired so Jin is making breakfast at this time.
Yeontan came running towards her....she held him and made him sat on the counter with her.
Jungkook came and took out 2 bottle of  banana milk and gave one to Isha.
After sometime there was a knock on the main door, Isha was about to go but Jungkook went fast, they are alert so that there is not something like what cause Isha to get hurt..
Jungkook opened the door and there was one of the guards.
BG: sir there is Mam's friends outside wants to meet mam.
Jungkook: where?
BG: there.
He said pointing at the garden.
Jungkook looked outside and saw Lisa, IU, Eunwoo and Yeonjun.
Jungkook: let them come.

Isha was eating her breakfast when someone slapped her head.
Isha: oww!
Eunwoo: u brat u know how much we waited for you that u will come but here you are eating like nothing is there.
Isha: i was hungry that's why i was about to come.
She said jumping from the counter and washed her hands and wiped them on Jin's shirt.
Jin: Yah!! YOU BRAT!!
Isha: bye oppa.
Namjoon: don't be late.
Jimin: take care ok.
Taehyung: call if something happens.
Jungkook: buy me chips!
Isha: bye your self dumbo.
Isha went out with her friends and sat in Yeonjun's car, Isha was driving the car, yeonjun and Isha was talking while others were chit chatting with eachother.
Isha: where should we go?
Eunwoo: let's go to mall and see some movies.
Isha: okay.

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