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Tart slowly rises, her feet wobbling. She's still sore from yesterday, but it doesn't change Death's mind.

Her skin is red and infected. She hopes it'll kill her before he does.

He growls, bunching his fist. "Up, I said." He whacks her across the face and sends her flying into a table in the corner.

A bitter laugh spills from her lips as she pushes her feet again.

"You're strong," she coughs, approaching him.

"And you're slow. Hand up."

She does as he says, wincing when the rope is pulled too tight around her wrist, and waits for him to finish.

She feels him pull away, and her heart beats a staccato as she waits for the lift.

Instead, he says, "You look ugly."

She blinks. "What?"

"You're not as pretty as I thought you looked initially. Maybe I got used to looking at those blue eyes."


"Your hair looks annoying."

She tenses. Despite everything she's done, her hair is the one thing she refuses to touch. It feels like it'd make a different person, and she isn't ready for that.

Besides, it is the one thing she shared with her mother, and as much as she hates to admit it, she loves her hair.

"It can be," she chuckles nervously, "but it's very pretty and easy to-"

"Shut. Up."

Instantly, she feels her muscles pulling up and barely stops herself from groaning.

"You talk too much. You know that?"

"I'm sorry," she gasps, straining to balance her weight on her toes.

"No, you're not sorry. You just want to lie to me." Death laughs maniacally.

Then her body rises. He pulled the lever.

Suddenly, she feels the kiss of a cold blade.

"You said you cut, right?"

She chooses silence, and he smacks her again. She screams in her throat as the action sends her body in a spiral, her wrists twisting painfully.

Death turns her to face him. "Answer me."

"Used to."

He chuckles. "As if you'd stop."

She's fine.

She's fine.

She's fine!

"So what happened?" Death asks.

"With what?"

He drags the knife tip down her back, and she feels the skin part. "Your messed up life."

"It'll bore you."

The muscles attached to her shoulder groan and shift.

She succumbs. "Okay, okay. I'll tell." Then sucking in a deep breath, she explains it all to him.

How she used to be close with everyone even though deep down, all she did was mirror them back.

She tells him about the sub-teacher who came in for four months when she was in eighth grade.

How she got closer to the sub, hoping she'd find solace and help as everyone also liked him. People say similar minds attract.

How he'd give everyone gifts and free As. How she finally gathered the courage to talk about her issues and try to seek help.

How he'd asked her to meet him privately in their class, and she'd followed, not a single negative thought in her head.

How he'd angled himself away from the camera and asked her to bend over and pick many things he'd intentionally drop mid-conversation.

How he'd tried to touch her, but they'd suddenly been walked in on by a couple of her friends.

How her friends ate up the sub's story, left her in shock, and spread rumors about her seducing the sub and trying to wreck his marriage, a marriage she hadn't even known about.

How the sub painted her darker than ever, telling everyone she'd been asking for help she didn't need.

That she'd been sounding a false alarm for the fun of it.

'Crying wolf', he'd called it.

How he'd milked everyone's sympathy and left her to suffer the horrible backlash and bullying.

How she'd looked bad in the cameras.

How Friend had stood up for her numerous times, shielding her when people threw rotten eggs and flour at her and holding her hand in the nurse's office when she'd been ambushed for the first time.

Even when her mother stopped visiting the school and pretended not to know her to save her face and job.

How she'd been labeled the 'tart' of the school for the first time.

And how she loved all of it.

All the negativity and hurt. How it felt so cozy and at home.

How she didn't have to pretend to smile.

How she loved showing no emotions and would rather appear angry to people.

How she didn't have to think that she spoke too much anymore because she'd used to feel selfish for having people care about her.

How she was finally satisfied that she'd been shown that she truly deserved none of it.

Because that way, she felt happier than ever.

Back again. Going to update every other day 'cause I owe you guys.


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