38. avi's miscarriage

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Guys i didn't get any name for chapter . So if you have any then please comment

Sid came out of the washroom , at the same time avi also came to the room after making abhinav and khushi to sleep. She came near sid and hug him . Sid also hug him back .

Avi : did office problem solved ??

Sid : yahh , because of faisu .... If he didn't came on a right time then i may had not be able to solve that problem

After a min

Sid : thank you

Avi : ( confused ) for what ??

Sid : for sending faisu there .... I know that you had only told faisu to came and helped me

Avi : when i had talk you sumedh Bhai , i got know that the problem is very serious and after happening this much i thought you needed him

Sid thought not to tell avi about akshu . Avi saw sid was loss somewhere

Avi : are you okay ??

Sid : how can someone be okay after happening this much !!!

After sometime

Avi broke the hug , went near the wordrobe and took out a file . A long tear drop from her eyes . She open the file and put her hand on the sonography reports. Sid came near her and hugged her from back .

Avi : 9 years Sid ..... 9 years ago we were on the same place of Bhai and di

Sid : 😶😶😶

Sid : how can we forget the day when our child was snatch from us . 😞😞😞

Avi : ( with tears and smile ) you remember how much you were happy after seeing our child on the monitor 🥲🥲🥲🥲

Sid : how can i forget that 🙂🙂🙂

Avi : you had literally kiss doctor s cheek in happiness😆😆

Sid chuckled 😁😁😁

After few minutes

Avi ( wiping her tears ) : Sid , Bhai and di had not eaten nothing . Di has to take medicine also after dinner .


Sid went to abhinavi s room . He saw vaish was sitting on a bed seeing the album. And abhi was just simply sitting with no emotion . He knock the door to get their attention. Both came out of their thought .

Vaish : ( fake smile ) come in baby bro .

Sid went inside . He went and sat in the middle of them .

Sid : i came here to call you both for dinner . Everyone is waiting

Abhi : ( with no emotions ) i am not hungry

Sid : but who ask you if you are hungry or not . I just came here to take you both downstairs. If you are not hungry then don't eat . Just sit their with us

Abhi closed his eyes in frustration😑😑😑😑

Abhi : ( angrily ) what is your problem Ashu .... I just said i am not hungry then why are you forcing me . Can't you just leave me alone ..😡😡😡😡

Saying this stood up and stormed out of the room

Vaish : baby bro , please don't mind his words .....

Sid : (cutting her ) bhabhi .... Just don't say sorry . 9 years ago i was in a same place where dada is standing 😞😞😞😞. So just ..... Let it be

Vaish : hmmm😕😕

Sid took the album from vaish lap and put his head on her lap . Vaish started to cares her hair

Sid : i am missing mummy

Vaish : ( lovingly) i am there for you 🥰🥰🥰

Sid : will you make me eat dinner with your hands ??

Vaish : sure why not ...

Sid : let s go

Vaish stood up to go . She went near door . She was going to turn off the light , she saw sid was staring at her

Vaish : what happened?? Why are you staring at me like this ??

Sid went near her .

Sid : you know what bhabhi . You are very strong .🙂🙂🙂

Vaish : ( fake smile ) i am not strong baby bro . I just we don't have any other option other than accepting the truth . Today or tomorrow we have to accept that our baby just left us .🥲🥲🥲😚

As soon as she completes she broke down . Sid took her into his embrace. Vaish started cry more in her brother s embrace

After some minutes . She calm down . After hearing no sobbing sound Sid decided to broke the hug . He broke the hug and wipes her tears .

Sid : let s go . Everyone is waiting

In the mention of everyone . A small fear arise in her😥😥😥. She don't know how she will face everyone. Sid saw her this fear and held her hand . Vaish looked at him .

Sid : don't worry i am with you

Vaish : ( small smile and cupping Sid s face ) i know . In every situation abhi is there with me or not but my baby bro is always there for me 🙂🙂🙂

Sid : ( cupping her face back ) not baby bro . I am you elder son and it is the duty of elder son to make her mom feel safe every where ..

Vaish kiss his forehead and both went downstairs. Everyone was present there but everyone behave normally only . Vaish was feeding Sid and sid was also feeding vaish forcefully. After that he gave her medicine and made her sleep .


Sid came out of abhinavi s room after making vaish sleep . Avi was standing outside the room only waiting for Sid .

Sid : what happened ?? Why are you standing here ?🤨🤨🤨

Avi : i went with food to bhai but he totally refused to have food . You go and once again tired to convince him for food

Sid : do one thing , put this food on dinning table , i will made him have his food . You just go and sleep . You must be very tired .

Avi : you are taking like you are not tired . After making Bhai have his food , immediately came to room and sleep . Okay ??

Sid : okay


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