Chapter 22 - Mind Your Tongue

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In the morning, you wake to a soft knocking and Alcina's voice.


You hear the door click open as you still have your eyes closed, trying to lull back to sleep.

"My Lady, Miss.Beneviento is at the castle doors, she wishes to speak to you."

You hear a hard scoff and sigh.

"She will speak to me or her mangy little disgusting doll? Waste of my time." She muttered as you heard a chair move...that was her vanity chair moving. She was probably applying her daily make-up.

"She has hidden her face although, no doll has accompanied her."

There was a silence.

"Mm. Odd. Donna never goes anywhere without her dolls. If she does go anywhere, that is. Greet her in. She may sit near the fire. Make sure she isn't....filthy." Alcina said as you assume the maid nodded, leaving as she shut the door.

Donna? That was one of the Lord's, right?

What would she want with Alcina…? Miranda is dead... Everyone is free to do whatever they think?

You sigh softly as you get comfortable again before-

Ugh! Why the fire in Alcina's room!?! You thought this was private quarters!! You can't sleep now!

"Do not disturb her. She is resting. I may give her your thanks when she awakes." Alcina says before you hear light walking.

"Those are my daughters. I know what your little freakish mind is thinking. Do not. Make a doll out of them." Alcina snarled as, again, soft walking...then the sound of someone sitting down.

"I have lost Angie." A soft voice spoke, it shaking slightly.

"Good. It's about time you grew up and learned to stop playing with dolls like a proper lady." Alcina spoke with zero interest.

There was a moment of silence.

"I cannot live without my dolls."

This earned a harsh scoff, but before the words could come out, Donna continued.

"My father made me Angie. After losing them, I had nothing. Just as you had nothing except your maid. The maid that had birthed your children and sat by your side."

"My maid is a real person-"

"And to me, Angie was real as well. She was me and I was her."

Again, a moment of silence before a hard sigh from Alcina.

"I'm sure it is unhealthy to associate your identity with a-"

"Doll?" Donna interrupted. "What about mindlessly following the footsteps of the woman who turned you into who you are. And the woman who didn't care when your daughters died."

"She did care!" Alcina snapped, "If she did not, I would not have them back-"

"And the only reason you have them back is because she saw use in them. Open your eyes. Has her actions changed nothing in your views?"

"... Before her death, I could not stomach Mother Miranda. Although, I cannot sit here and act as if I am not grateful for what she had given me."

It was Donna's turn to cut her off.

"You always did want to be Mother Miranda's favorite. Like the oldest child fighting for their parent's praise-."

"Bite your tongue!" Alcina snapped harshly. "You were nothing but a quiet freak during her living breaths, and suddenly you have a louder mouth than that damn Heisenburg-"

"Because you got everything and I have nothing!" Donna suddenly yelled.

You jumped. Hearing Donna yell was...unnatural. You didn't like it. Thankfully, they didn't see you jolt as they continued talking.

"You have everything. Your daughters. Your maids... My hard work... I was destroyed." She states, sounding on the verge of tears.

"I have always been such a shy and anti-social one, but being without my dolls had given me a side of myself that I do not enjoy seeing. No matter how I replicate Angie, it is never perfect."

You hear Alcina take a drag off of a cigarette, her sighing.

"Yes, Donna. I get it. The little girl lost her dolls and she has succumbed to a mental breakdown. Bravo. What am I to do with this information?" She asked, bored.

"I request help."

Suddenly, Donna's voice was small and shy again.

"Help!? Do I look like a woods crafter!?" Alcina laughed as Donna waited for her to stop.

"No. But we both know what your maid has done-"

"Silence." She snarled.

"Your maid has every knowledge on where Angie could be. At least her parts. She would be of great-"

"You are not making her recall the events before her current memory."

"I won't have to." Donna spoke quickly. "I can show her pictures of Angie. She has proven to recall things when given the appropriate information. Such as the re-"

"Silence!" Alcina snapped hard, there being silence again.

The sound of fire crackling made the room sound cozy, but the tension made it feel like a ticking time bomb.

Keep talking, want to know what Alcina is hiding.

She won't let you know any of your it to forget? Or to protect you?

Or to keep you?

"I am just asking for help-"

"And I told you my answer. Leave." Alcina states coldly.

You heard the sound of shuffling and footsteps draw closer to the door, you frowning before sitting up.

"I'll help you, Donna." You stated. You don't know why, but, you felt as if you owed her this.

You see a woman all dressed in black, her face having fabric lay over it. You couldn't tell what she looked like.

"Go back to sleep, Lillian." Alcina growled at you.

"Donna needs help-" You started

"It is not your duty to help the entire village with their mindless probl-"

"It's not mindless!" You quickly interrupted. "Shouldn't you two be close? You are the only two Ladies. I've never heard you speak badly about Donna." You attempted.

"Please. This little freak? She has no place on my tongue, let alone my breath-"

"And just because you can say that doesn't mean I can." You glared. "If I can help, I will. Just like I was there for you, ... My Lady."

You blushed as they both looked at you, Alcina eyeing you suspiciously before going to Donna and whispering something.

You tried your hardest to make out what she said, although, she had great control over her voice.

"Fine. You want to play the village helper? Go and play. I will be waiting for your return."

Alcina sat down with her back faced to you, legs crossed as she picked up her wine.


"Mind your tongue. It is Lady Dimitrescu." She stated coldly.

You frowned hard before standing up, getting ready and going in front of Alcina's line of sight slowly.

"I'll be back, the girls should-"

"I know what my girls do and do not need. Leave." She stated even more coldly, as if ice stuck to her words.


"Mind. Your. Tongue."

Those were the last words she gave you as you set foot out of the castle, feeling as if the cold temperature outside was still warmer than the sudden cold room you just left.

Comfort (Yandere!Lady Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now