Chapter: One-Shot! Vase

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Hello! So! I am currently on a small little vacation with my wife, but I feel I should at least give you all something. This does not play a part in the story. This is just a cute little one shot until I get back from my vacation!! 💖 With that being said, I hope you all enjoy it! And thank you for the endless support. Bless 🫂💖🫂💖


You eagerly await for your Mistress to come home.

People call you crazy, sure, fancy Lady quite a lot.

Her tall height...her hands...her hair...her piercing yellow eyes, that beautiful smile...

Kissable lips....sides...hips...


Your thoughts get cut off as you knock over a vase containing beautiful wilted flowers in them...

Oh, no.

You're dead.

The Mistress owns many of valuable and fancy things. Consider this apart from her wealth in her family and career path during the later 1920s.

You blush hard as you stare at the pieces.

You know what makes this worse?

This is Lady's bathroom.

Her. Bathroom.

Not just some bathroom along the mansion...this is where she keeps her perfume, lotion, delicate soaps, soft towels...everything.

Quickly coming up with your plan, you scoop up what you can and dispose of them, careful not to cut yourself on any of the sharp glass.

Hopefully she won't notice...?

Later that evening, you hear the main doors open and a holler...for one of her maids.

Nobody moved.

Why are all the maids looking at you!?

Rosy cheeks formed on your face as you silently made your way down the hall and to the beautiful calling voice.

It was endless corridors and if you didn't get there quickly, you would sure be punished.

Stepping into the welcoming room, you stopped.

What happened to Lady!?

She pants, holding a wound on her side as she seems to be greatly injured...blood covering her white dress, marks and bruising across her body.

"Escort me to my chambers."

How was a woman of your size going to help a woman of her size!?!? If she falls, you can't catch her! Look how tall she is!

.... You nodded and did so.

It was a long, painful journey. No maid would dare help you. It's obvious that when Lady is mad or injured...she makes quick, irrational decisions.

She is very bipolar.

"I must rest. My wounds are great. I may have to tend to them as soon as I get the strength." She spoke as you opened her chamber doors, escorting her to her room.

"Would you like to sit in the bath, My Lady?" You ask softly.

"Yes. Leave me there and wait in my sleeping chambers. I may call if needing further assistance." She spoke as you nodded.

The moment you left her, closing the door, you felt a giant wave of relief...

Until you heard a hard thud.


"My Lady…?" You ask timidly.

No response.

After waiting and pondering if you should go check on agreed to the idea.

You never thought it would end up with you tending to her wounds in the bath.

She passed out in the bath, with no running water, so, after wrestling a bit with moving her arms and positioning her head safely, you got to work.

You tried to ignore her exposed body, figuring her wounds are what you mainly needed to focus on.

She was right.

They were horrible.

As you were finishing, scrubbing blood off her cheek with a wet wash cloth, you blushed as you felt hands grab your hips.

Mustering the strength to move, Lady opened her eyes and offered you a light smile.

"Darling? What are you doing?" She asks innocently.

She's going to kill you.

"Oh, I... I was cleaning your wounds." You explained as your cheeks went scarlet, her hands now cupping your ass.

"You think that just because we had a bit of fun in my chambers a week prior, you are given permission to see me in a vulnerable state?"

You proceeded to go scarlet.

Lady had her picks when...she gets..."in a mood", should we say.

And you have been her favorite.

She tells you that "It's the way you whimper" is what really draws her to decide on you.

"My Lady... I really just wanted to help you... I didn't know what would happen if I didn't" You admitted as you went back to scrubbing the spot on her cheek, making you giggle as it made her face make quite the adorable expression.

She chuckled, moving your body upwards as she lifted her hands on your ass, before connecting your lips softly.

Like you said.

Kissable lips.

You smiled happily and kissed back, your hand on her shoulder as your other hand dropped the rag, cupping her face.

"You are my favorite maid." She smirked in between the kisses.

You blushed at this as you kept kissing, enjoying the taste and feeling of being against her.

"Although, I also noticed my vase is missing. You wouldn't know where it had gone, by any chance?" She smirked.

You turned pink.

And felt nauseous.

Apparently, this showed as she laughed.

"Oh, do not fret. That thing was hideous. I only kept it around for family generation purposes. Been dying to get rid of it myself." She smiled teasingly at you.

You smiled and felt your lips connect with hers once again.

You are her favorite.

And she's yours.

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