Chapter 3 - Respect

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How in the world were you suppose to "rest" after an encounter like that?

You stare at nothing as your mind runs fast with thoughts.

This was unnatural for Lady. Nothing made sense right now. Was she testing you? Or perhaps toying still? You didn't know... but you surely did care.

After agreeing with her statement of never leaving, you realize what she meant when she said no one would kill you, other than her.

You stay. Or else.

But why was this such a big deal to her? Any other maid that left? Lady would laugh and let the Lycan's take care of them. If they attempted to leave? Lady would take them to the basement to... make her special wine.

But why run it by you? In such an odd fashion at that. This was common sense. "I began anew with you"

Her words burn in your head. "You were all I had left after losing everything."

Does this mean you were special to her? Why else would she begin with that? Perhaps it justified her reasoning more? You were unsure-

"Didn't I tell you to rest?"

You freeze as the silhouette beside you shifts towards you.

After the agreement? She told you to rest awhile longer before the start of the day. Although, when you went to leave to your quarters, she gripped your waist.

"You are to rest in here. With me."

The words made your heart stop, but not near as quickly as right now. You felt like a small rodent being caught by a large predator, and any movement would surely seal your fate.

"No words?" She asks, a smile playing at her lips.

You open your mouth, but nothing comes out, feeling beads of sweat fall off you.

She laughs at this even more, as you must look very foolish right now.

"Relax. If I wanted to harvest your blood, I would've done it by now, surely." She "comforts" You. What a lovely, calming thought.

"Besides, my room is to stay spotless. Not even a maidens blood is to touch the carpet." Again...what a lovely, calming thought.

You nod and take a deep breath as you take in her scent. Her bed was very big and very comfortable. Only the best for the best, you assumed.

"Do you fear me?"

This was not a question you were expecting. You were also unsure of how to answer this. An over 9 foot tall lady with claws and a love for human blood? Maiden blood at that?

No, not scary at all.

"I respect you, My Lady." You answer. You are unsure where the answer came from although, it felt right. It's the only answer you could give.

With this answer, she seemed satisfied as you glance over at her, noting her eyes to be closed. She was going to sleep.

She trusted you? Well, it's not like you were much of a threat to the average human, let alone her.

You don't remember getting tired or even when you began to doze off, but all you know is it was the best nap you had in a long while.

Waking up, you could sense it was past your start time. You were to be up when Lady started her day. Although? The weight next to you proved that the mistress was still well asleep.

What do you do in this situation? Would it be best to get up? If you did, she hadn't even given you any directions for the day. Waking her? Well, nobody has ever woken her before. Not to your knowledge.

You take a deep breath and inhale her scent. It smelled amazing. The room was very warm and cozy. She definitely had the best room in the house.

Despite this, you assume it best that you wake her slowly. What if she woke up on her own terms and saw you still laying in bed? Surely, you would be punished. At least this shows that you are putting in effort to please her.

Your hand went to reach her slowly, shaking, before you scold yourself. Don't touch her. Are you insane? You have zero permission.

"My Lady?" You spoke softly to earn no reply. You hesitated a bit more before shuffling in the bed.

"My Lady?" You tried again, but this time, you got a small groan in return.

"Please, Pardon me for waking you, although, I noticed it was pass the time you would normally wake." You say timidly.

"And?" Came a drawing voice. "What are you still doing in my bed? I said rest before your time began. Not sleep until I wake."

You blush, but you had to explain yourself, as either of the outcomes of "you not waking her and getting up" versus "waking her and then getting up" wasn't looking good.

"I apologize, although, I have not been given my chores for the day and I have yet to be given permission to leave your side, My Lady." You say, sitting up slowly.

She laughs. This is the most you've heard her laugh. It was a beautiful sound, definitely had venom behind it.

"Oh, you are such a smart little thing, mm? That's why you're my personal maid. I must say, I'm surprised by your honesty as it sounds like you Blaming me?"

You quickly become flustered and shake your head, despite her back turned to you.

"Not at all, My Lady! I would never lie to you. As I said. I respect you. I just thought you deserved the reasoning behind my actions."

She takes a deep breath and smiles softly, her rolling onto her back as her eyes remain shut. "You respect me?"

This caught you off guard. What was with the odd questions? Again, you feel as if she is toying with you...but surely the game would be over by now.

"With the upmost respect. Yes, My Lady." You say, watching her face carefully.

"Does this imply that you would do anything for your Mistress?" She smirks, sounding power hungry.

"Yes, My Lady." The burning question as to why she keeps asking these things fill your head but never leave your mouth. You wouldn't want her to get angry.

She nods and lays there, soaking in the warmth of her bedroom before sitting up and yawning softly.

Standing, she goes to her closet and pulls out her classic white dress before she looks at you.

"Help ready my breakfast. I have an important meeting with Mother Miranda later this evening. I expect you to be sweeping and mopping." She says as you stand and fix your outfit from the slumber it still had on it.

"Yes, My Lady." You give her a small bow and left her quarters, walking down the steps and to the kitchen, where the other maids stare at you in disbelief.

"You're late!" One of them, by the name 'Chloe', whispered in concern.

"I know. I already discussed things with Our Lady. I am to help make breakfast." You explain, as all the maids look a bit more at ease from your comment.

"Also." You began. "Our Lady has a meeting with Mother Miranda this evening... I suspect she won't be in a good mood before and definitely not after."

Lady hated Mother Miranda...this was nothing new, but you couldn't help but wonder if this meeting was to discuss her daughter's.

You pray it went well.

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