5; amy and vernon

45 2 0

friday 4:52pm
amy kim —> vernon ss434

amy kim
hey vernon! sorry to be messaging u out of the blue lol
i was just wondering if u were in class today
i wasn't able to make it and i was just hoping and praying that maybeeeee u could send me the some notes from the lecture i'd be eternally grateful lolol 🙏🙏

vernon ss434
hey yeah sure no problem :)

[image]WHATHELP wait i'm sorry i pressed too many ignore that please

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HELP wait i'm sorry i pressed too many ignore that please

amy kim
LMAOOO thanks vern
and ty for the gamer selfie

vernon ss434
pls 😭
it's actually a cyber bully selfie but okay

amy kim
wow u spelled "getting cyberbullied" weird there dude

vernon ss434
i give u notes and u attack me

amy kim
u quite literally handed me the mic once u sent that idk what to tell u

vernon ss434
smh my head
anyways why weren't u in class
u ill?

amy kim
no nothing like that
i had the opportunity to be an intern for this hairstylist i really admire
it was like an application thing they posted a few months ago and i actually got it hehe

vernon ss434
daaaamn that's crazy congrats dude
i'm p sure i know for sure but i just wanna clarify to be 100% sure
u use any prns right?

amy kim
yessiree she/he/they :)
ure he/him right?
and thanks hehe i'm
actually very excited wgejah

vernon ss434
yeah as u should be thats a great opportunity
can i ask tho like is hairstyling something you'd rather be doing than psychology ?

amy kim
nah it's more of something i'd like to do whenever i have time but i love psychology and studying the human mind 😎

vernon ss434
ah that's fairrr
and yeah it's pretty cool isn't it

amy kim
sure is hehe
ure pretty cool pls don't be a stranger in class
i'd like to have at least one consistent friend

vernon ss434
what do u mean i thought u were friends w like everyone

amy kim
no lol not really i mean
i interact w people but i don't actually see anyone outside of class :/

vernon ss434
ahhh i see
i getchu i don't really either
my friends are crackheads so not much luck there but we're never in the same classes anyway

amy kim
lmaooo ure so real for that

vernon ss434
but hey if u want maybe we could hang out sometime
u could meet my friends too as long as u have at least a week free after that to mentally heal urself

amy kim
i'd love to!
pls tell me more i wanna have a little overview before i meet them so i can scare them w facts

vernon ss434
i'm obsessed w u
okay so my best friends are probably junhui hyung, seungkwan and chan (my housemates) (not jun tho)
they are.. interesting

amy kim
i'm all ears
hit me

vernon ss434
ure in for a ride

— —
i rlly wanted to include some amy vernon moments so this is the convo that sparked a blossoming friendship !!

and also yes there was some rumor thing abt vernon and txts stylist or hairstylist and whilst i threw in a little funny innuendo abt amy having an interest for hairstyling here i don't necessarily want to push the irl rumor or insinuate that i think it's true or untrue for that matter i just thought it'd be funny :)

ALSO sorry if the timing is confusing here i just realized

so the first two chapters are during the same tuesday and then the next two chapters are set on the monday a week after and THIS chapter is the friday before the monday 🧍 hope that clears it up

i might do time skips a lot so if it gets confusing pls just ask and i'll clear it up! and yes mingyus birthday was not set on the day of his birthday this year but i didn't realize that until right now so whoops ah haha anyways

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