Chapter 74 - 3-4 March 2023

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3 March 2023

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3 March 2023

"So, have you got everything?" Nari asked as she breastfed her little boy in the lounge.

"Yeah, it's only three days that we'll be in Daegu," I replied, coming to sit on the sofa beside her after I'd brought my luggage down in the lift. JK had initially offered to carry it down, but a shrill cry had kept him occupied.

"Ugghh," Iseul groaned out as she joined the two of us, a large coffee in her hand. "When do you get over the sleepless nights and the sore nipples?" Nari gave our sister a sympathetic look as if to say she understood her pain.

"Where is my little niece?" I asked, looking around for the newborn who had arrived into our family a couple of weeks ago. Hobi had said Iseul and JK's daughter, Jeon Cho-Hee's arrival the day before his birthday was the best birthday present he could ever receive. He was proud as punch to be the first of the aunts and uncles to have cuddles with the tiny girl.

"Kook's on daddy duty changing her nappy," the exhausted new mother replied, eyes closed as she sipped her large caffeine supply.

Poor Iseul had a traumatic birth with little Cho-Hee, the baby going into distress from being in the breach position. After trying to turn her in the womb, the OBGYN and midwives made the decision that an emergency C-Section was necessary for the health and safety of both mother and child. Poor Jungkook had been beside himself with worry the whole time and only when he was given the permission to be in the operating theatre had he calmed down... well somewhat.

"He's really stepped up," Nari commented as she rubbed Dal's back; the little boy – who was nearly 11 months old now – still loved to have his back rubbed after a good feeding. After praising him for doing a good burp, she placed him on the floor, where he proceeded to crawl over to me. Dal-Joon was coming so close to taking his first steps and both Yoongi and I had told the others to film it for us since we might not be there to see it happen.

"He's an incredible man, my soulmate," Iseul said a little louder after hearing said man speaking to his daughter. Seeing the maknae of BTS, the heavily tattooed and man with ripped muscles and piercings holding a tiny infant in his arms as he sang sweetly to her was one of the most touching things I had seen.

"Someone wanted her eomma," he cooed, placing the little bundle swaddled in a soft pink blanket into his fiancé's arms. "She was a very good girl, yes she was. She did a big poo and wee for appa."

It was so domestic seeing one of the most recognisable and in demand celebrities in the world praising his newborn daughter for the bowel movements she left for him. The only thing cuter was when my own soulmate came downstairs, snatching the baby out of her mother's arms and proceeded to turn into a big ball of mush. Watching Yoongi walk around the lounge room, baby in arms, as he talked about our little trip away was so adorable, especially when he promised to bring something home for all the Bangtan kids.

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