Chapter 1

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I have a set of things I hate.

I hate love, I hate the false sense of security it gives. The moment you set your heart down, it's gonna find ways to crumble on its' own. I hate how it makes me stay up late at night, thinking what what would happen if I let my heart put its' guard down. I hate how I can let it fly around his presence and how all it does is fly around him. I hate how he made me love him.

- | Chapter 1 ~ How we met

Kaveh stares at the two books on his hands, lost in thought. "I only have a budget for only one of these books.."

He scoffs and continues to weigh his decisions. He contemplated on getting either a romance book or a book about the basics of architecture, the course he wishes to take. Not much to weigh, is there?

After some time, he came to terms with himself. He puts the romance book back on its' shelf and left with the other in hand. As Kaveh placed it back, he saw someone taking it right away. Were they waiting for him?

He comes up to the counter, pays for it, and leaves. As the bell chimed, he pulled the book from inside the paper bag and threw away its' plastic covering. While walking, he reads through the book and the tips it gave. From a first glance, he saw how this could help him.

A few minutes pass and he suddenly heard someone call him from behind, "Hey, you with blonde hair."

"Me?" Kaveh answered, "Who else. You're the only one with the conspicuous hair color, no?", and he knew he was sarcastic from his tone.

What a jerk. We just met and I already want him dead. "What's up your as-"

As he tried to spit that remark, he pushed a paper bag on his chest, "Take it. I'm trying to be kind here and you're making it hard."

He started it?!

But, as soon as Kaveh processed the situation, he noticed the paper bag he pushed towards me. He grabbed it and pushed his hand away. ".... Thanks. What's this for-" He realized that he started walking away from the conversation — "Wait, don't just walk away!" he screamed, as he watched the guy's back go back to the direction he came from. Asshole.

As he huffed with anger from that infuriating situation with a man he has NEVER seen before but he already started acting like he killed his family, He opened the paper bag to see two things; a reciept and the other book I wanted. It took him a while to process it, did he buy this because he saw him struggling to pick among the two books? But who would just buy that for a random stranger, let alone, Kaveh? Someone who he 'insulted' right away after meeting?

He brought out the reciept and book and threw away the paper bag in the nearest trashcan, I might aswell keep the reciept so that I could get a refund incase he ruined it in some way. He glanced at the reciept and saw something on it, "You're welcome.", it said.

With a phone number.

He raised his eyebrow at what he saw. Couldn't he just have asked me for my number instead of buying me this? Not that I'm complaining..

He was quite the romantic.

He placed the reciept on my pocket and placed the book that the unknown man bought Kaveh inside his bag. I went back to my dorm, contemplating if I should call the number. I lived alone in the dorm, I only moved in recently because it was near the college that I will soon be attending. It is a college that had a great Architectural Design course.

He entered the dorm and dropped his bag on his bed, he set the book about architecture on one of his shelves and went to change his clothes. Once Kaveh was done, he grabbed the reciept from his used pants and went to his bed to sit down.

He turned on the lamp on his nightstand and grabbed his phone, He slowly dialed in the number and called it.





"Hello?", a familiar voice comes from the other end.

"Hi, you gave me your number.", Kaveh said, happy he picked up. He wouldn't want to seem desperate.

"I didn't expect you'd actually call a random number a random stranger would give you."

"Well, I did, don't you want that?"

"Better than nothing, I guess."

"What's your name?"


"And I'm Kaveh, thank you for the book."

"No problem. It was pitiful watching you struggle."

".. Thank you. I guess." I say sarcastically.

Then, they kept talking, and talking.

Since the conversation lasted for hours on end, here are some keypoints. They learned that they live on opposite sides from the book store they came from, it's quite the walk. But also the fact that they go to the same college, Alhaitham is taking a BioChem course and calculus as a minor. He was smart, Kaveh remarked.

They talked about random things after that, but all Alhaitham did was listen most of the time. Their opinions never complimented eachother, so it just consisted of Kaveh trying to prove his point. Soon, he hanged up because it was getting late.

Kaveh watched as the screen flashed, call ended. It lasted for 5 hours and it was about to be 3 in the morning, he has never talked to someone through the phone until that time. He was quite impressed that they were actually able to handle a conversation, knowing their different point of views.

It was comforting, almost.

Kaveh went to sleep right away after that.

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