Chapter 1

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In the middle of the forest...

I went for a walk in the forest, strolling through, twirling around the trees, feeling the vines, and leaves, admiring the forests beauty, until I saw it, A baby Palulukan yelping.

Worried, I went up to see what was wrong. And I saw what was wrong. Her tail was stuck in a trap. Those horrible sky people were at it again. I pet her to calm her down as I released her. She was free and she turned to me, she walked up to me and purred,ran off into the jungle.

Before my mother and father and killed by the in the Battle of the Hallelujah Mountains by the Sky people a couple years ago, My mother used to tell me I always told me ever since I was a child, I always had a special relationship with the Palulukan, which is why she named me Palu. I miss both of my parents deeply. I've been living on my own with my little makeshift hut and crafted my own weapons. I honestly believe my trauma was so great that I fear to be around others, so I've always have been alone.

After I watched the baby Palulukan run off, I smiled and continued my walk into the forest.
I found a nice spot with a bit of sun shining into a patch of grass. I went and laid down. I sat and admired to forest's sweet sounds.

As I was laying there for a few minutes, I heard a few noises, footsteps. I sat up and my ears twitched.

"Hello?" I yelled. Then I heard voices. I couldn't hear it properly for a moment.

"Bro Spider look." a voice said. "Who's there? Come out now!" I yelled. I see a blue young boy come out, along with girl Na'vi and a human with blue stripes? "It's ok, we're not gonna hurt you" the boy said.

I was frightened and panicked, so I ran off.
"Wait, Palu! Come back! Shit." the young boy yells. "We must follow her!" The older girl says.
"Ok let's go."

The group follows me. As i'm running, I'm realizing the boy said my name. How does he know my name? Do I know him? Does he know me?

I start running out of breath, and run slower, the group finally caught up to me. The blue young boy touches my arm "DON'T TOUCH ME!" As I say panting and pushing him off me. "Who are you and what do you want?" I ask."Palu? Do you not remember me?" I look at him confused, what is he talking about? I don't know him or these other kids. "It's me, Lo'ak?" I then realized who he was.

I then finally remembered who these Na'vi children were. I used to spend time with everyone when we were children. There was me, Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk who was still a baby, Spider, and Neteyam.

"Lo'ak?! I didn't even recognize you?!" I flabbergasted!, "I can tell" He said laughing.

"What happened to you? Why'd you disappear?" He asked. "My parents are gone." I told them. I tear strolled down my face. Kiri came up and hugged me so I cried.

"It's ok, we're here for you." She says to me. "Have you been alone this whole time?" She asks. I nod. Kiri turns to Lo'ak. "I'm calling it in." Lo'ak says as he touches his throat.

"Dad, I don't know if you remember Palu, but we found Palu in the forest alone." Lo'ak reports back. "Ok, yessir." he looks back at us, "Dad is on his way, he'll be here soon."

We wait until we see 2 ikran, it was Jake and Neteyam. "Where is she?" Jake asks, Lo'ak points to me as I sit with Kiri on a log.

"Palu, been a long time. Where are your parents?" Kiri looks at me with her hand on my shoulder. "They're gone.". Jake gasps and puts his hand on his face.

"Oh Palu." He hugs me. He looks back at me "Come with us." "What? I don't know if I should..", "Don't be silly! Let's go!" Kiri takes me by my hand and drags me along.

We fly out of the forest and back to High Camp.

We all leave the forest and go back to high camp.

High Camp, Omaticaya Clan, Hallelujah Mountains...

I arrive back at High Camp with the Sully's. We all hopped off the Ikran and Jake dismissed us.

"Palu I can't believe this!" Kiri says to me. "What do you mean?" "Well, since you disappeared along with your parents. We thought you were gone too." I stood there to process that. It makes sense as to why I wasn't found for years. "It's ok. I'm glad i'm here now!" "Agreed" we hug. "Palu, come this way." Neteyam says. I follow Neteyam and the others to their Marui.

We walk into the Marui and there's Neytiri and Tuk. "Look who's back" Jake says to Neytiri.

"What?" She looks over and sees me with a surprised look. "Palu?" "Hey Neytiri" She comes up to me, "You're ok, thank Eywa. What happened? Where are your parents?", My eyes started to water a bit. "I lost them" as a tear rolls down my cheek. Neytiri frowns and hugs me. "I'm so sorry Palu." I cry into her shoulder. "You may stay with us if you like. I look up at her "That would be great. Thank you." I hug back into her shoulder.

"Tuk and Kiri, help her get settled in." Jake instructs them. "Yes sir." Kiri responds.
Neytiri gets up, and smiles at me. Tuk ran up to me and sat next to me. "Wow you're so pretty!!" Tuk giggles and squishes my arm. I blush and thanked her. We both get up and walk out the Marui to get myself set up.

Few hours later..

Lo'ak and Kiri show me around High Camp. We then went through this really big Marui. Lo'ak points to a big metal shipping container,"This is the biolab." Lo'ak explains.

We walk in and there's so many different glass tubes and there's a big glass cylinder with a Na'vi inside.

We all take a mask, and I see Kiri jump on top of this big glass cylinder. She hugs the cylinder with the Na'vi inside. I remembered it was Grace, her mom. "Kiri you look just like her." I tell her as I look at Grace. She thanks me and gets down from the tube.

Kiri turns on this monitor and it has Grace talking on it. "I wonder who knocked her up?" Lo'ak laughs.

I tried holding back my laugh but I laughed too."You do not deserve to live." Kiri said with a frown on her face. I felt bad for laughing so I apologized.

"Oh come on. I mean who's the father? I bet Norm knocked her up!" Lo'ak dies laughing, "GROSS!" Kiri giggles and pushes him. "Hey let's guys hunting tomorrow!"

We all agree and leave the lab...

Comment Section:

Thanks for reading! <33

Hey! If you like this story, check out my other one: Thana in the Jurassics !!
Same story, Same characters, Different concept!

The Story of Palu  ~ AONUNG X OCWhere stories live. Discover now