Chapter 8

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Somewhere between the Village and fishing grounds...

Tears were streaming down my face and my legs felt weak. I could feel myself starting to panic that I just let it out. I tried to slower my breath so I could breath normally again but it didn't seem to work.

I steered over to a nearby island so I could let my emotions out. I jumped off and just fell to the ground. I pulled my legs up to me and cried.

About an hour later, I started to calm down. At that point the rain had also mostly stopped. I sniffled a bit and did something breathing meditation. I splashed my face with water, but my eyes were incredibly red and puffy so I knew I couldn't go home yet.

I just waited another 15 minutes. Even though my eyes were still a little puffed.

I finally swam home, I went up pretending that everything was fine and ate with them. The tension in the air was thick so right after I ate I tried to distract myself by hanging out with Neteyam, Tsireya, Ao'nung and Rotxo.

I was still a bit worried and overwhelmed from what I overheard, but I tried my best to pretend everything was ok. We swam through the ocean and spied on Lo'ak. I didn't know why but I went with them anyways.

I couldn't manage to look at Neteyam or Ao'nung in the eyes. But from my peripheral vision, I spotted Ao'nung shooting daggers at me. He signed me 'Are you ok? You seem worried' with a worried frown on his face. I signed back 'I'll tell you later?' he nodded and gave me a hug.

Honestly, I felt so much better, I pulled back and looked at him. He smiled at me, and something in my gut told me he was actually being genuine. I felt he was actually sorry for what he has done and actually wants to fix our relationship.

I looked a last time at his eyes before going back to stalking Lo'ak because he lowkey might get eaten by Payakan.

Few minutes later, Payakan opened his mouth, and Lo'ak stupidly enough swims in. I choked which led to water filling my nose and mouth so I had to go out.

I swam back down and saw the others still watching. Ao'nung pulled me to his level, held me with his one arm by his side. I was so confused but I kinda liked it. I looked over and saw Neteyam and Rotxo giving each other funny looks, I just shrugged back at them.

We waited there for a few minutes to see if he would come out. I signed to Ao'nung ' I don't think he made it, pretty sure Payakan ate him. In conclusion, don't trust one fin Tulkun ' Ao'nung smiled and laughed. After I said that though he came out. 'Nevermind I jinxed it.'

That's when he swam out again and went to the surface of the sea. After that Lo'ak, Tsireya, Neteyam, and Ao'nung went to talk to Tonowari and Ronal. I went back to go see Kiri and Tuk.

The sun started to go down and the sky blend beautifully from purple to pink.

I originally wanted to go for a walk with Kiri but, I couldn't convince her, but then I thought of Ao'nung, He was wondering why I was feeling down, and I also did feel really bad about the way i've been treating him, so I decided to try my luck with Ao'nung so I walked to his home and nervously peaked inside.

I directly saw Ronal, she didn't look too happy, so I assumed it didn't go very well.  I asked her „Hi Ronal, have you seen Ao'nung by any chance?" but before she could answer Aonung popped up in my view.

"I'm here!" I smiled and dragged him outside. He had a frown on his face but I responded with a smile and asked „Wanna go for a walk?".

„Uh Sure?" he answered and we started walking along the sea. „What was going on today? You were acting off, is everything ok?" he wanted to know and I told him what overheard before, but I left the part out where I cried.

"So this sky person, na'vi guy, whoever he is, is now trying to find my family kill us." I explained, Ao'nung seemed shocked but was sure that our parents are gonna handle this.

He comforted me, I felt less pressure come off my shoulders. I was glad to have got that off my chest. "So, assuming by your mom's face, I'm guessing your parents weren't too happy..." I said "Yea, he was madder at Tsireya to begin with." „Poor Tsireya." "Yea, Lo'ak was putting up a fight though." „ Why does that even surprise me?" We both laughed.

We continued walking, until I turned to Ao'nung. "Hey Ao'nung?" „..Yea?" "I'm sorry." I said to him. "Sorry? For what?"He questioned with confusion. "For being stubborn towards you, look, i'll be honest, you've been a huge to me and my family, a complete bully, but even though you have, it isn't ok for me to be mean as well. So I wanted to tell you I'm sorry." I said to him as I looked down.

"Well I want to tell you I'm sorry as well for being a bully to you and your siblings. Me and Lo'ak worked things out the other night and I did the same with Kiri." He said with a innocent smile. I smiled back him, we looked away from each other.

"" He mumbled, I looked back to him, "What?" I said with a smirk. „ Could you meet me later.. at the beach we were at last time? I want to talk to you about something, in private." he asked me. I didn't know what his plan was but being the curious Palu I am, I agreed. He smiled "Ok, I'll see you later tonight! Just keep a lookout!" He ran off.

I had no idea what that boy was thinking, but I was intrigued to know and to find out what it was..

Comment Section:

I wonder what's gonna happen next...

Hey! If you like this story, check out my other one: Thana in the Jurassics !!
Same story, Same characters, Different concept!

The Story of Palu  ~ AONUNG X OCWhere stories live. Discover now