Chapter 2

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In the middle of the forest...

It was the next day, Me, Lo'ak, Kiri, Spider and Tuk, are strolling through the forest hunting. "Wow! Look at this!" Tuk excitedly says and she runs over to a big flower with blue tentacles. "Woah, freaky" I tell her. She giggles, "Tuk come on!" Lo'ak bosses her. "Why did you bring her anyway?" Spider groans. "She's such a crybaby" Lo'ak says as he starts mocking her. Tuk sticks her tongue out at him.

I was walking behind with Kiri when we stopped walking. I quickly jumped to them to see what was going on and I saw a footprint, but not a regular one.

This one was from a shoe "that's way to big for a human" Lo'ak said, looking around if he could spot someone. We followed the footprints until we saw avatars wearing military uniforms in a the distance.

We all gasp, Lo'ak shushes us, "Im gonna inform dad" Lo'ak whispered as he touched his device. "Doubledog this is Fireball, can you hear me?" He started "There are some guys" He made a small pause "They look like avatars but they are wearing full camouflage, over" "we are at the old shack" He answered. He hesitated since he didn't want to us in trouble but he told him anyway "Me, Kiri, Spider, Palu... and Tuk"

"Alright" He ended, he signaled us to get out of there and quick. We quietly started walking back when Suddenly someone came out of the bushes grabbing Tuk, followed by the other avatars circling us. I immediately took out my knife and started hissing at them but since they had guns we had no opportunity to get out of there.

These Avatar grabbed us all by our hair and made us fall down on our knees. Kiri tried calming Tuk down but was quickly shut up from them. The guy that I suspected was the leader walked through, eyeing all of us "What do we have here?".

He took a moment to look at Spider but moved on, when one of the others held up Kiri's hand saying "Look, a half breed." he took a quick look.

He strolled over to Lo'ak "Show me you're hands" the leader demanded and Lo'ak showed him his two middle fingers. He smirked. "You're his." he smiled as he hissed at him. "Yes you are" the smile on his face vanished and he grabbed me harshly by his hair "Where is he?" he demanded.

He didn't speak Na'vi so he tried pretending not being able to speak English and answered
"Sorry I don't speak English... with assholes.."
To my surprise he answered in Na'vi asking the same question again. Lo'ak kept hissing at him but kept yelping due the avatars pulling our queues.

Kiri saw how much I was panicking and started yelling to me. The Avatar slowly made his way to Kiri and at this point everyone was hissing, especially Spider, that's why the leader turned to him and started to speak with him.
For some reason he seemed to emphasise with Spider, they talked but Spider still was pretty cold to him. I just listened and was frustrated and exhausted, I just want to go home.

Spider got grabbed again and that guy now started talking into his mic. They started dragging us out somewhere while he still talked with someone on that mic.

I was held down next to Lo'ak, in my head I was so confused I didn't even know what to do or how we could get out of there.

It started raining and they held us there, waiting for Jake and Neytiri to show. That's when I heard Neytiri yelling in the distance.

Kiri started praying and a few seconds later the head of the guy that was holding her and Spider got shot by an arrow. He dropped dead and immediately shots were being fired.

"GUYS BITE THEM AND RUN!!" Lo'ak yelled, He hit a bottle full of a gas that blinded them and we all scattered into the forest. "TUK COME HERE!" She ran to me and we both ran as fast as we could. We finally reached Jake, Neteyam and the others.

He comforted me with a hug since I nearly passed out with all of this happening and told us that it will be fine and that we're safe.

"Where is Spider?" Lo'ak asked which made me look around and notice that he wasn't there.
"They took him" Kiri cried.

Father took her into a hug and tried comforting her. "He'll be fine babygirl, he's a tough kid" he comforted her.

Comment Section:

Thanks for reading! <33

Hey! If you like this story, check out my other one: Thana in the Jurassics !!
Same story, Same characters, Different concept!

The Story of Palu  ~ AONUNG X OCWhere stories live. Discover now