chaper 1

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Sunkit wock up. It was suny. SunKit rembered what hapend at hher birht. Tere was a big fihgt! But noting imptent happend.

Sumkit locked at her too moms, JazzStar amd StarGleam. Sumki locked at her sister, Moonkit. Moonkit was a prety black hse kat. Sumkit was a prety gold shee kat.

Todai Sumkit anb Moonpaw bekom apentices.

Sinpaw mentor is Firstar amd Monpaw mentor Gaystrip.

Wile walkin thru rhe frost, Sumpaw thouhgt abot her moms.

'How did mi moms hav kids??' thohgt sumkit.

Then a big kat jumped on her. IT WAS TIGGERSTAR!

Tigerstra trid to claw sumpaw but Sinkit strached his face amd tiggerstar ram away.

Firstra saw and siad: "Sumpaw you ar so kawaii! I luv yo... Wil u be my mat??"

"But im kid and ur a adult kat..." sed Sunpaw

"WHO CARES?" yeled Firstar

"I DO!" mewed a voic behind them. IT WAS TIGGERSTAR

"I LUV U SUMPAW!" yelld tigerstra angy amd atacked Firstra.

Sumkit did a flip amd clawd tiggerstra and he ran awai.

Sumkit ram away too. She bumped intu Sparklepaw, a prety White shee kat wit raimbow eys.

Sumpaw thohgt that Sparklepaw was kawaii.

" hello Sunpaw chan!" Mewed Sparklepaw. "H-h-h-h-hi..." Sed sumpaw blushing.

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