Chapter 3

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Several rounds of Overwatch later. . .

Kai's POV: 

"DANG IT!" I cursed, growling in frustration as I glared at the screen. "I got sniped by a Widowmaker!"

"A Time Jumper got sniped, hmm?" Jay commented with a smirk as we watched the killcam. "I thought you said you were good as Tracer?"

"They were well hidden!"

"They were exposed and you let them snipe you?!" Jay pointed out. His Mercy stood over my Tracer as he spammed the voice line: "sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother." over and over again.

"Shut up, Jay! I was trying to go in for a kill with my Pulse Bomb." I hastily explained. "Now hurry up and revive me already!" I huffed, spamming the "help" command until Jay finally gave in.

"Fine." Jay grumbled as my character was  back on her feet once more.

"Thanks Jay, I owe ya one." I laughed as I went back to running around with Tracer.

"You owe me more than one, but no problem." Jay shrugged as we got back to take possession of the robot. "You seriously need to get better at Overwatch, Kai. You could be getting creamed by kids!"

"You might be right." I muttered as quiet footsteps echoed through the halls. "Alright, now this is my last, LAST game!" I warned, glancing at Jay, who had his head buried in his Nintendo hardly paying attention to a word I said. This has got to have been seventh time I've said this was my last game. I sighed to myself, rolled my eyes and held the trigger down as the footsteps became louder and louder. "I really need to get back and—"

"I can't believe you guys!" Lloyd's voice shouted from behind.

Oh crud! I panicked as my chest tightened. I smacked the home screen button on the controller and nearly threw the controller across the room. I quickly turned at the sound of the Green Ninja's voice and was met with a look of pure and utter annoyance. "Lloyd! It's not what it looks like—!" I tried to reason but Lloyd's look crushed my confidence to even speak, drawing the words right out of my mouth.

"Then tell me. Because it looks like that you and Jay, who looks perfectly fine might I add,  are sitting here playing games while the rest of us are working!" Lloyd snapped with folded arms and an icy glare.

"I only played a few rounds!" I defended as my palms began to sweat from my uneasiness. "I was coming right back, I promise."

"Kai, it's been three hours!"

"What?!" I exclaimed, glared accusingly at Jay before I shut down the game. "I'm such an idiot." I cursed as I threw the controller down onto the sofa and rose. "How much did I miss?" I asked the Green Ninja in anticipation.

"I'll talk you through it on the way back to the city." Lloyd argued, shooting Jay a skeptical look as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside.

"Hold on, I'm coming too." Jay piped up as he jumped up, following alongside me.

Lloyd halted at Jay's voice. He let go of my wrist and turned to face the Master of Lightning. "I thought you said that the power box drained your energy?" Lloyd questioned.

"I-It did." Jay stuttered as I noticed little sparks of lightning dance across his hands.

Lloyd glanced from Jay to his hands and back. The Green Ninja raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing Jay's claim. "Sure it did." Lloyd answered bitterly. "Come on, there's still a lot of work to be done."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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