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Many stories begins with love and happiness, some begins with life and joy. Mine? Well, mine starts with chaos and betrayal...

My heart throbbed painfully against my chest as we sped past some incoming cars.

With teary eyes, I looked through the car's window hoping by any miracle someone would spot us.

Tears gushed down my heavy eyes, my breath felt uneven and so was my heart rate. Feeling so nauseous, I fought to stay awake.

I looked at the driver with so much hatred and disgust.

He looked through the review mirror sending me a scowl.

Before I could comprehend what happened, there was a loud crash and the next thing I know my body collided with a cold liquid surface.

Opening my eyes sluggishly, everything around me was so blurry but I could tell I was in a wide water body. "Nat" I whispered but it came out bubbly due to the water in my lungs.

All my life there wasn't a day of peace, I was told run and hide from everything and everyone 'Case if you want a happy life, you can never let your guide down...

And like any teen, I did the exact opposite 😈.

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