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Name:Michael Jones

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Name:Michael Jones

Age: 17
Height: 5'9

Sexuality:(Figure it out)

Likes: Family, Lazing around, Playing games, Adventures, Sleep, Peaceful things, Friends, Steph(When he meets him), Doughnuts, Pizza, Fries, Music.

Dislikes: Liars, those who hide their problems from their family, People Or anyone in general hurting his family, those who hide their pain with a smile.

Crush: Steph Universe/Zane Evergreen

Crush: Steph Universe/Zane Evergreen

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Name: Kennedy Jones

Age: 18
Height: 6'0
Sexuality: Bi

Likes: His Family, Working on Inventions, Fighting, Steph,Pizza, Fries, Doughnuts, Bagels, S'mores, Overprotective

Dislikes: Those who lie to themselves or others, People who hurt his family especially Michael.

Crush: ????

Name: Zander Jones

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Name: Zander Jones

Age: 17

Height: 5'8

Likes: Family, Fighting, Protecting his siblings,family, steph,  Doughnuts(Specifically Strawberry sprinkled Cream-filled Doughnuts), Chips, Working on inventions, Drawing, Bagel S'mores.

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