Chapter 3

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Fives and Echo finally manage to bring Omega aboard, but problems arise

When they arrived on the top floor all the battalions were in the middle of their boarding process. Troopers were moving in clumps loading on their designated Star Destroys. Crates filled with ammunition, armor, extra blanks, explosives (or Ol’ Reliable as Hardcase would call them) were being hustled and bustled all over the docking level of Kamino. The organized chaos made it easy for the two ARC Troopers to blend in without bringing much attention to their “special cargo”.  Just their luck their ship was at the front of the line so they were able to sneak on in without being in the open for too long. 

Fives and Echo raced down the unusually quiet corridors of the Resolute hoping to get to their barracks without being seen, which they did which was surprisingly easy. 

“Where is everyone,” Echo asked looking around the empty corridors, head looking both directions as he acted as Fives lookout, a regular occurance for him.   

“Probably at the debrief,” Fives said nonchalantly as he hastily punched in the code to get into their barracks.  

“Oh great, so we're missing it,” Echo muttered, turning around, crossing his arms in the process.  

“You go to one debrief you’ve been to every debrief they say the same old crap anyways,” Fives retorted finally getting the door to open allowing them both to walk in. 

“Plus I think this,” he gestured to Omega, who was still asleep under the towel, “is a little more important.” 

Echo smirked, “isn’t that the exact same excuse you used last time to justify skipping the Captains debrief.” 

“I’m sorry that I wanted to be first in line to get strawberry milk at the mess hall, you know how much of a rarity those are,” Fives quickly shot back insulted that that wasn’t a legit reason to skip a debrief. 

“Plus I saved you one,” Fives shot him a glare as he took the towel off, “so your welcome”.

Fives ignored Echo's laugh as he made his way to grab the blanket off his bunk and place his helmet down. Once he had his blanket, he walked over to the storage closet in the back of the room. He opened the door to give it a quick lookover, it was a tad smaller than he hoped, but it will have to do. 

“We can’t just leave him in there” Echo stated walking up to meet the pair. 

“It won’t be for long, we just have to get Kix alone and brief him on the situation. We don't want to attract a lot of attention so we have to keep him hidden for now.”   

“Hey, Omega,” Fives lightly tapped the little cadet's cheek “wake up.” Omega stirred a little, but soon enough his eyes opened, still a little drowsy from being awoken so abruptly. 

Fives placed Omega on the ground but knelt down to meet eye-level hands on his shoulders. “Listen to me very closely, Omega, Echo and I have to go for a bit, but we will be right back, we need you to stay here got that.”

Omega turned to see the closet space and immediately began to freak out, clinging to Fives leg with a death grip. 

“Nooo don’t leave please, I-I’ll be good don’t leave me in there, please,” Omega wined, desperately pleading to Fives, grip tightening. Omega began to breathe quickly, too quickly. Fives knew what was happening and sprung into action. Kix taught him what to do in this type of situation, he's helped calm down many of his brothers from horrible missions gone wrong or even sometimes on the battlefield itself, and they have done the same for him.  

“Omega,” he said in the calmest voice he could offer “breathe, it’s okay, breathe in, breathe out, it's okay we're not abandoning you.”

It took a minute but eventually, Omega's breaths started to slow down, becoming more controlled. Fives waited another minute before he wrapped his arms around Omega, rubbing soft circles on his back. 

Guilt flooded Fives body, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” 

He waited another minute for good measure before breaking up their hug. 

Echo felt his heart drop, Kaminoans had a tendency to punish clone cadets using isolation. It’s not a pleasant experience but at the end of it cadets have their batchmates to help reassure them. Omega didn’t have that locked away hidden from the rest of the world. Had to bear the Kaminoans' punishment without any form of comfort.     

“Well, we could try to make it a little more comfortable for him,” Echo pointed out.  

“How,” Fives asked softly. 

Echo sprung into action grabbing his blanket off of his bunk along with his pillow and Fives pillow. Fives and Omega just look at each other confused before turning their attention back to echo wondering what the heck he is up too. Echo then raided the closet for more pillows and began arranging the pillows all along the inside of the closet, topping it all off with his blanket. He quickly rushed back to his bunk to grab one of his reg manuals, he clicked a few buttons and then the whole screen lit up, setting it on top of the little nest he created. 

“Hope that works, blankets, and pillows usually work on the Commander,” Echo gave a nervous laugh hoping it would be enough to make Omega feel a bit more safe and comfortable. 

The absolute look of terror on Echos' face was priceless. He paled and shot Fives a look of utter betrayal before facing Rex. 

“Well you see,” he said with a nervous laugh “it's a funny story.” 

“So I've heard” Rex shot back getting tired of their admittedly humorous attempt to stall and avoid the question.

“Well we were on Kamino, patrolling as we were told to do then out of nowhere a-a piece of debris hit Fives on the head,” Echo finally managed to blurt out 

“What I-I mean yeah,” Fives added on. 

“Yeah, it hit him right on the head, like right on there he wasn’t wearing his bucket or anything so it just came down and got him.” 

“Okay,” Fives said bitterly, a scowl forming on his face.    

“Like he was out for a good couple of minutes he was kinda drooling out of the mouth for a while.”

“I think you're over-exaggerating a bit.”  

Rex just raised an eyebrow at the two as they continued to bicker back and forth. 

“And he was out for a while so I looked for a medic, but couldn't find any because they were all boarded at the time, so I had to drag him back wake him up, and we were late because we were looking for Kix” Echo was rambling at this point, just saying the first thing that popped into his head. 

Fives quickly picked up where Echo left off “Yes Kix we need Kix to look at my head … because it hurts, … from the debris.” 

Both of them plastered on an “innocent smile”.  

Technically Rex can’t disprove their story without proof so he had to let them off with a bit of a warning. 

“Well, then I recommend you go to Kix. Last I saw him he was headed to the Mess Hall, but if I see you doing anything questionable with that “ injured” head of yours Fives we will be having a chat.”

“Of course Captain,” was all Fives responded with before the two bolted toward the Mess Hall. This was strange usually when Fives (somehow) managed to get away with something he was very smug about but in this instant, he looked almost concerned like he was in a rush. 

The two rounded the corner leavibg, Rex, alone in the hallway with his thoughts. 

What are those two hiding?

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