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You and S/N (sister name,if you don't have one then you can make it up) was walking by,it was sunny so you and her thought it was best to walk.You two found a playground and went there.You guys was having so much fun until you heard something down by some forest.S/N didn't hear it and said you was imagining things in your head.You just nodded and tried to ignore it.But you couldn't.You went in there to see a portal.You called out S/N name and she had the same reaction as you."Let's jump in!" She said as you looked terrified."Y-Yeah ok."You respond with a shaky tone.You both jumped in and felt dizzy.You guys couldn't feel anything or see anything,just darkness.You guys felt falling and falling fast,like you was about to become a meteor,crashing down.You gulped as you felt your about to land on to something.You landed through the soft snow.You couldn't breathe very well because your covered in snow.You heard something."JESUS CHRIST,ARE THESE TWO OK?"
You didn't look up until someone walked a bit closer to you.Someone grabbed you off the snow,You felt a warm breath around your neck."She is breathing well.Check the other person."You didn't know what's happening.But all you know is that your sister is here and she is probably safe."Mhm!She is breathing well as well!"Another person spoken."The person who picked you up mentioned."We should get back now,it's probably cold for them,one of you give that person over there something warm.I will give this person,who I am holding mine."
The person puts you down and gave you a massive jacket.It was warm,really warm.You felled asleep as he picked you in his arms.You heard loud footsteps crunching the soft snow and you also felt like a tall person is carrying you.You wasn't sure what to do,just fall asleep again or open your eyes.You was about to fall asleep until you heard one of them spoke."Hey!This person is awake!"You didn't listen most of it and felled asleep again..

A life with countryhumans (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now