Just Worried

427 5 1

Modern AU :-)
Patroclus got off the bus,checking his watch as he got off the last step. 2:14 AM.He waved to Briseis,still on the bus and she waved back before the bus started up again and trundled off.He made his way to the elevator in his condo complex,thinking about how so many 11 year olds had busted their shins at the same time,and how low the laundry tablets must have to be for an 8 month to eat them.

Patroclus kept thinking about how weird things got in the ER so late at night all the way up to the 6th floor of the complex,when he got out and turned to the left.It was silent in the white hallways,with the wide,tall window in front of him showing an lovely panorama of the sky intertwined with the stars and the dark night that stretched over the city lights.He didn't need to look up from fumbling in his pockets to find his keys to know where he was headed.The way to door 16 was like its own lit path to him.

Patroclus finally got his keys in hand,and,figuring Achilles must have been asleep at this late,slotted them in as carefully and quietly as he could.Patroclus was exhausted,he couldn't wait to slip in next to his boyfriend and recieve the warm hug and mumbled sleepy greeting he always got.He noiselessly opened the door,expecting to see a dark hallway and silent television.

He was suprised to see the light in the hallway on,and the TV talking some nonsense about an already married woman being taken and eloped to a prince.Patroclus's eyebrows furrowed with confusion.Sometimes Achilles fell asleep on the couch,so Patroclus didn't call out his name.Instead he jutted out his head to peer into the open living room-kitchen area.

Achilles was sitting on the edge of the couch,focusing blindly on the cabinet underneath the TV,seemingly not even listening to what was going on in the movie.His hands were clasped tightly,his elbows resting on his thighs with his foot tapping rapidly on the wooden floor.He was wearing sweatpants and one of Patroclus's university sweaters,his feet were bare.He looked at his watch and then at the clock above the TV and then at his watch again,before getting up and pacing to look out the panoramic window onto the ground below,biting his thumbnail nervously.

"Achilles?." Patroclus tilted his head to the side worriedly.Achilles was never normally up this late,he had as much of an ability to stay up past 1 AM as a toddler.Achilles whipped around,his eyes wide and round with anxiety.He let out a tight breath."Patroclus." He whispered."Whats wrong lo-?" Patroclus started before Achilles ran at him and swept him to the ground in a hug,tears streaming out of his green eyes."Oh Patroclus,my Patroclus." He sobbed into his shoulder.

Patroclus took a moment to breath and try to figure out what was going on."Achilles love,what's happened?,why are you so upset?." Achilles continued weeping into his uniform before slowly emerging and knuckling his eyes like a child.He sniffled for a second,his eyelashes wet and seperated emphasising the tear disturbed green."I just.." He laughed weakly "It was stupid,I just thought that...that you weren't going to come back I guess..." He sniffled again and Patroclus chuckled quietly.

"Don't worry about me Achilles,I'll always be fine." He smiled before pausing "Why  would you think that anyway?".Tears were still tracing down Achilles' cheeks,while he shook and he stuttered out his answer."W-when I was getting off the train from my s-shoot earlier and I just had this like,like vision of someone hurting you and me n-not being able to do anything to protect you and I-I just-" His breath caught in his throat and he started choking out sobs again.

Patroclus rubbed his back and slowly stood up to make tea while Achilles clung to him like a person would cling to a cliff when they're about to fall off it,as if his life depended on it.Patroclus peeled Achilles off him gently and held his hand as he continued to snuffle and knuckle his eyes.He sat Achilles down on the couch with a cup of tea and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend as they watched TV in a comftorable silence for a while.

Eventually,Achilles' snuffling turned into quiet,small snores.Patroclus sighed and rested his head on Achilles'."Oh love," He whispered "You don't know how worried I get about you sometimes." Before kissing the top of his head and falling asleep beside him
Sorry this is a bit rushed lmao
Word Count : 798

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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