chapter 4- mr. fire elemental

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i was awoken by a loud noise somewhere in the train.

i got up from my bed and walked out of the room. i walked pass the living room and the noise came closer. i stood infront of the door that led to another crate.

i pushed it open and entered a very unusual room.

the walls were covered with burn marks on it.

my eyes grew wide as i realize where i am.

fire elemental territory.

just mention the word fire to a water elemental and you could just see us shiver. but put a stupid curious water elemental in a fire elemental room then...let's just hope for the best.

"who are you?" a male voice asked me. i turned around to confirm my thought.

yes melody, you are standing infront of a fire elemental. good luck.

"answer me. and why are you here?" he asked. snapping me out of my thoughts.

"i'm..." was the only thing that came out of my mouth. i was too scared to speak.

"well?" he spoke. "or is it, you don't have a name?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"i have a name." i state crossing my arms below my chest. "melody." i said placing my arms to my side.

"what are you doing here, melody?" he asked.

"i heard noises and it woke me up so i came to find it and here i am." i said

"you know your not supposed to be here." he said

"i know." i said. "but as i said, i woke up. heard noises. looked for it. and i found it." i state.

"i heard you. you don't need to say it again." he said.

"but before i leave, can i ask what happened to your wall?" i asked gesturing to the burn marks on the wall.

he got a peice of paper and held it out to me. soon, the paper caught on fire and he threw it against the wall making another burned mark.

so thats why...

"i got my element today, so i figured, why not use it." he said smiling arrogantly.

what he means to say is that, his element, just arrived and yeah, he decided to use it. my element hasn't arrived yet and i don't know why. i'm in the right age and it should arrive in a few days. i just hope it wont take too long.

"i should go now." i said turning around and head towards the door, opening it and closing it behind me.

i walked back to lucy and i's bedroom. i opened the door slowly and took a peek. she was still sleeping. thank God.

i slowly crept over to my bed and settled in it.

thinking back to what i have encountered earlier, how he threw the burning paper to the wall making it leave burned marks made me shiver.

if fire elementals are all that powerful, then lucy is right. they are pretty scary.

that was the last thought i had in mind before i dozed back to sleep.


A/N: i hope you guys like this chapter :) please vote, fan, comment and tell me what you think about this chapter. it would mean alot.

-meg <3

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