Bloodshead (unedited)

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Friday, January 19th, 2029. kaashi was coming by today, so I decided to try, and make pancakes. I have never had them before but heard good things about them. hearing the doorbell ring, I fixed my hair and ran towards the door.

Yuki: hey kaashi

That's all I was able to get out before he grabbed me, and pulled me into a tight hug.

Kaashi: you're shaking yuki, are you okay?

Yuki: honestly no. i- I cannot explain it, but I am not alright.

Kaashi: Is this force or can you just not find the words to explain it?

Yuki: both.

Kaashi: yuki. you need to come back to school everyone is worried about you, even me

Yuki: kaashi... heh you always worry about me, you are like a big brother secretly worrying over his little siblings. now come I made breakfast

Kaashi: all right kitsune

The kitchen smelled of sugar and chocolate. kaashi commented on not liking chocolate, I just laughed at him and told him I made some without chocolate for him. I've always felt I could be myself around kaashi, even if I didn't know who I was. my entire way I've needed to change myself to be perfect in everyone's eyes even if I was scared of myself. The two of us sat on the chairs beside the island saying nothing, but kaashi kept looking at me.

Yuki: your starring kaashi.

Kaashi: oh sorry kitsune

Yuki: So what are you thinking about exactly?

kaashi just continued to stare at me, a soft smile coming to his face

Kaashi: about how if you were able to leave this hell I'd take you in as my little brother.

Yuki: oh. you can always say I am your little brother if you want, you do not have to legally adopt me as such

Kaashi: well as of today, I am now your older brother yuki

I wanted to jump into his arms, thanking him for making my life so much better for many years. but I just smiled at him

Kaashi: You know kitsune, I talked to my parents and they said that if you wanted you could come to live with us.

Yuki: i-i will think about it, kaashi.

I know kaashi has my best interest, and I want to, but I can't. I can't do that to Ren or sora. kaashi left after about an hour, it was now six in the morning. I was standing there in the kitchen cleaning the dishes from breakfast when I heard footsteps right behind me.

Ren: *Yawn* morning yuki

Yuki: morning.

Some might say that my response to him was cold, but I didn't think I was just tired. The light was a soft orange as the sun came up. After waiting around thirty minutes for everyone to wake up, I noticed kiyo wasn't up yet. An uneasy feeling came to my stomach as I went up the stairs to wake my sister up. my hand shaking as I reached for the handle, preparing for the worst. The thought of the room being covered in blood flooded my mind, but it was just empty. it looked like she hadn't even slept in here last night. Where had she gone? Did she sleep in someone else's room? Either way, I'm still worried about her. back downstairs to the living where everyone was at the time, I expressed my worries about kiyo

Mizumi: eh kiyo's not in her room? she's probably fine yuki-chan calm down

Ren: calm down? damnit mizumi your younger sister is missing and you're not even worried about it?

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