How he reacts when he finds out you're being bullied (Calum and Ashton)

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Calum: You hated yourself for one reason and one reason only. You got panic attacks. Sometimes in school you would get really scared and freak out, having to leave to calm down. You were made fun of it all the time, and at first it didn't bother you, but it started to get worse.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Don't freak out, we're having a math test today!" someone shouted.

"I bet you she'll panic if they aren't selling chips with lunch today," another person laughed.

"Don't get scared of the teachers, (Y/N)!" another person teased.

One day you couldn't take it anymore. You ran home and into the bathroom, grabbing the razor that was on the counter. Without thinking, you ran the razor across your wrist, ignoring the sting.

Then you realized what you were doing.

You looked down at your wrist and withheld a scream. Blood was pouring down your wrist, giving no evidence of stopping.

You started panicking.

"What if I bleed to death? What would Calum think if he found out I cut myself? What if he thinks I'm emo and doesn't want to be friends with me anymore?" You thought.

You were so scared, but you knew that you had to try and stay calm. You cleaned your wrist with shaking hands, crying from the pain it had caused.

You stuck a couple band-aids on the cut, hoping that it would stop bleeding soon.

You grabbed your phone and called Calum. You needed someone to talk to.

"Hey (Y/N)," he said cheerfully when he picked up.

"C-Cal, I need to talk to you. It's important," you stammered.

"Is it another panic attack? Hold on," he said.

"Okay," you mumbled.


Then there was a knock on the front door.

You furrowed your eyebrows and walked up to the door, opening it and immediately having a pair of arms wrapped around you. Calum's arms.

"Are you okay?"he asked quietly.

You opened your mouth to say yes but started to cry instead, shaking your head.

"Shh, it's okay," he whispered.

"No, it's n-not! I hurt myself, Calum! This is what my s-stupid panic attacks caused!" You yelled, showing him your wrist.

His dark eyes filled with worry, lightly touching my wrist.

"(Y/N), please. Don't ever do this to yourself. It's not worth it. What does your panic attacks have to do with you cutting?"

"Everyone makes fun of me for it. It might not seem like a big deal, but it feels like I'm just a big joke."

"You're not a big joke, (Y/N). Not to me. You're special in a good way, alright? That's what I like about you."

Ashton: You frowned at your reflection.

Still no weight loss.

You could still hear your bullies' words ringing in your ears.

"You're so fat!"

"You look like a beached whale."

"Do you not know that skinny jeans are for skinny people? Stop wearing them!"

After more than three weeks of starving yourself, still no difference. No weight lost, no difference in appearance.

"Maybe I should go to the gym," you thought, staring down unhappily at your stomach.

You walked out of the bathroom and grabbed your laptop, searching for gyms nearby.

"(Y/N), can I have a hug?" You heard Ashton whine from behind you.

"Ash, don't sneak up on me! You almost gave me a heart attack!" You quickly shut your laptop, not wanting Ashton to see. You didn't want him worrying about you.

"Sorry, babe. Anyway, hug now?" he smiled.

You stood up and he hugged you, but only for about three seconds before letting go of you and looking down at you with confusion.

"How come you feel so small now?"

"Maybe I've always been like this."

Which was slightly true, considering that you didn't see any difference from the size you were three weeks ago.

"Seriously, you're like a stick," worry crossed his face. "Are you starving yourself?"

"What? No! That's crazy!" You lied, hoping that you were convincing him. "Why would you think that?"

"You haven't been eating lately. Don't think I haven't noticed."

"Shit," you thought. "He's gonna find out sooner or later."

"Okay, fine. I've been skipping a couple meals. What's so bad about that?" You said.

"Tell me the truth."

"I am!"

"No, you're not (Y/N). You look so fragile now, like you're going to collapse any second. Tell me what's going on," he said.

You took in a breath, and told him.

"People have been saying I'm fat, so, I decided if I lost a couple pounds that maybe they would stop saying stuff like that," you whispered, gazing at the ground. You didn't want to cry, but all of the things everyone's said about you were swarming around in your head; admittedly, it hurt.

Ashton hugged you, wiping away your tears and rubbing your back to soothe you.

"No, (Y/N), don't do this. You're perfect, no matter what. I wouldn't care how much you weighed, all I care about is how much I love you. You're gorgeous and don't let anyone else tell you differently."

A/N: Hey guys :) I'm sorry if I got some things wrong on here, like for Calum's, cuz I don't think I've ever had a panic attack before, but if I'm correct, they cause you to suddenly get scared and then lots of other stuff can happen, like getting dizzy and feeling sick. Anyway, for you guys who are going through a tough time right now, remember that these four boys will help you get through it, even if it's not personally. If you're feeling depressed, mad, scared, etc, I want you to go and listen to some music that will encourage you to feel better, okay? And hey, you can always talk to me if you want, I probably understand what you're going through, because I'm probably going through the same thing right now. Wow this is a long author's note lol, I better go. Bye :) (Hope you liked these imagines/preferences)

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