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Luke: "I don't think you should get another drink," Luke said cautiously.

"It's fine, it's not like I'm going to get wasted and pass out," you ordered another drink.

After drinking that entire glass of alcohol, you were definitely drunk.

"This is my favorite song!" you started walking over to the dance floor even though this song was one of the worst songs you've ever heard.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Luke grabbed your wrist to stop you.

In your drunken state, you almost tripped over your own feet.

"I'm going to dance, Lukey," you pouted.

"(Y/N), you're drunk. I'm taking you home."

"No, Luke. I wanna stay," you whined. "Can we stay a little longer?"

"If we stay here, some guy is probably going to end up taking advantage of you," Luke pointed out.

"You sound jealous," you slurred and giggled. "That's really cute."

"Come on, (Y/N), we're leaving," he smiled and shook his head. "You're going to have the worst hangover tomorrow."

Michael: "Babe, I'm home!" you heard Michael call out.

"Finally, I was starting to worry," you frowned. You walked up to him to give him a hug but stopped when the smell hit you.

"Ugh, Michael, you smell like you bathed in beer. Are you drunk again?"

"Maybe," he smirked. "What are you going to do about it?"

"That's the third time this week," you muttered.

"You look really hot in my shirts," he slurred.

You could feel your face turn red.

"But it would probably look better on your bedroom floor," he continued.

"You're so fucking drunk," you shook your head. "Go take a shower and don't eat the soap or something."

"Will do, Captain," he saluted and giggled, causing a small smile to form on your face. Even when he's drunk, he can be really cute.

Calum: "Are you sure you're not going to get anything?" Calum asked.

He had taken you to a bar and you haven't had alcohol since who-knows-when.

"I'm good. Just don't have to many drinks and then do something absolutely crazy," you smiled.

"Gotcha," he smiled back and ordered a drink.

Sometime later, he had a couple more drinks than he should've had.

"(Y/N), why are you so far away?" he reached out and touched your face.

You blushed.

"I-I'm not, I'm sitting right next to you."

"You're really pretty," he mused.

You knew your face was red. You two were just friends, but you liked him and sort of wanted to be more than friends.

"Have you ever been kissed before, (Y/N)?" he asked.

You almost fell out of your seat with shock.

"No," you admitted.

A small smile formed on his face.

He leaned forward and kissed you softly on the lips.

"There, now you have," he grinned.

Ashton: You stumbled into your house after having a couple drinks at a bar nearby. You didn't intend on getting intoxicated, it just sort of happened.

"Hey, Ash," you sat down next to him on the couch and wrapped your arms around his torso.

"You smell like you've been at a pub for a couple of hours," he wrinkled his nose. "You're not drunk, are you?"

"No," you scoffed.

You started to play with his hair and giggled.

"Why does your hair bounce?" you asked.

"You're definitely drunk," he laughed softly.

"It's so bouncy, I like it," you smiled.

"Alright, I think it's about time that you go to bed. You're going to have the worst headache ever tomorrow."

"Carry me?" you pouted.

"You could walk if you weren't drunk," he smirked, picking you up and carrying you up to your room.

He set you down on your bed and kissed your forehead.

"Night, princess."

A/N: I'm thinking about writing a second part to this one. What do you guys think? Also, I hope you like these :) Sorry if the font or something looks weird, my computer is really messed up

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