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They've been so quiet on their way back to the hotel. None of them say a word. Urs saw how Lea tried to hide her tears. She's too quick to wipe it while facing her side of the window.  He didn't say anything. All he could do is to give her the space that she needed. She doesn' t deserve any of this. He also felt guilty because he was just like Sebastien. Jumping from one girl to another or at the same time. Girls were just like sex toys for him. Have them in his bed then forget about them in the morning. He may be worse than him but with Lea it's different. He doesn't want to hurt her. He got jealous when he found out she's taken. He wants Lea to find out about what Sebastien was doing behind her back so he'll have a chance with her.

It's already late in the afternoon and thought of bringing her food. He tried to call her on the phone earlier but he got no answer. Maybe she was sleeping so he let her be. He knock on her door a few times and took her quite a while before she opened the door. She looks so seductive with her black lacy satin sleepwear. He just stood there mesmerize with the woman in front of him.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at my boobs?" she said when she saw him looking at her cleavage.

"They are beautiful.. i mean you are" he said and as if she doesn't believe at all.

"that's what all men says when they want a girl on their bed" as she open the door wide and signal Urs to enter.

He look around and saw bottles of beer  on the table.

"you've been drinking? Did you finish all of these?" he placed the food that he brought on the table. "Did you even eat first?"

She opened her fridge and got 2 bottle of beers "here, join me" and handed one to Urs.

"I am asking you if you've eaten at all"  he looks around as if looking for any sign of food. But there was nothing.

"I am not hungry. I don't feel like eating"

He understands her. He knew the reason why. "Lea, you have to eat. Don't do this to yourself. I know you're hurting. I know it's not easy and i am here to help you." he hold her hand but she removes it right away pretending to be okay.

"Urs, i'm fine. I just don't have the appetite. Maybe i am just tired. So why don't you just join me and drink while we're still on a day off"

He knows she's just showing a brave face. "okay i will drink with you only after you eat. I ordered this for us. Will you let me eat by myself?"

Lea knows Urs won't stop so she just followed. They ate together and in return start drinking. Urs trying to lighten up the mood by telling a funny stories when he was still a kid or their favorite movies or video games. They will talk about anything as long as it's not about relationship or love. He doesn't want her to think about Sebastien. He succeeded to make her smile but it didn't last for long when her phone rang indicating that Seb is calling.

Lea looks at him as if asking if she'll accept the call or not so he mouthed "don't" that's when her tears suddenly fall again.

He grab the phone from her and turned it off. "you have to be strong. If you are not ready to talk to him then don't. Give yourself a time to think." he hug her tight and felt her tears falling as he heard her sobs.

"Can i sleep in your room? I just can't stay here now. All i can see is his face in this four corners"

Urs open his door and showed Lea his room. "i'll just sleep in your place so you can have this all to yourself. I'll see you in the morning" he was about to leave when Lea stopped him

"i don't know what to do. Will you pls stay here with me tonight? I don't want to be alone."

"Are you sure you want me to stay? It may be uncomfortable for you" he said while rubbing her back to comfort her. "just tell me and i'll stay forever" he said silently.

They drank another beer before they settle for the night. Urs was about to lie down on the couch when Lea called him. "Sleep beside me pls"

"Lea, you know that i like you. It'll be hard to resist you. So i'd rather sleep here" referring to the couch.

"Now is the time to be honest. You know that i hate liars. Do you have a fiance? A girlfriend? In a relationship?" as she wait for his answer.

"None. I am single." he simply answered and Lea knows he's telling the truth.

"And so am I" she tap the space beside her telling him that he can sleep beside her and Urs gladly did. I mean who doesn't want to stay this close with the one you like.

Lea fell asleep right away. She's drunk and tired while Urs just can't believe he's next to her with little clothes on. He took a picture of her because situation like this don't always happen.

Urs awaken by the loud knock on the door. He was just wearing a sando and his boxer short. He checked on the time.. It was already 12 noon. "Who's there? No one answered but there was another knock so he just opened it and was surprised to see Sebastien standing there and went inside his place. All he could do is to follow him in the living room. 

"Do you know where Lea is? I keep on knocking on her door and no one was answering. Did she tells you where she went? I have to talk to her".

Urs is just standing there quietly not knowing what to say. It was too late when their eyes both landed on the phone in the sala's center table. It's Lea's then beside it were empty cans of beers. "Where is she?" furiously look at Urs then went straight to his room seeing Lea who just woke up and fixing her hair.

They looked at each other in horror. He walk past Urs trying to contain his anger  and is heading to the main door "Dude, wait, let's talk"

He ignored him and then Lea run to him "Sebastien, let me me explain what you saw" as she catches her breath..

Seb turn around and stare at her from head to toe as if judging her and disgusted. She covered her breast and remembered she wasn't wearing a bra. She never worn a bra to sleep.  He diverted his attention to Urs who is standing behind Lea "I bet you two had an amazing night. So how was it sleeping with her? Is she good in bed? Do you like her full breast? Did you fuck her hard?"

Lea uncontrollably cry from what she's hearing while Urs was about to punch him "Urs, Stop! Can you pls wait for me in the room. I'll deal with him" he doesn't want to leave her but she assured him she'll be fine.

Sebastien didn't waste any more time "so what are you now? A slut?"

He then earned a slap. "How much do you want for a night with you? 10 million? Name your price." and her palm landed on his face once more.

His eyes is furious staring at her and all she could to was to step back as he started to move near her.  It's the first time she's seeing him this angry. She move one step back and felt the wall behind her. He cornered her. Grab her nape and kiss her hard while his other hand cup her breast.

There's no ounce of love with the way he kissed her. All she could do is to gather all her strength and push him. "F@ck you! Leave!" she shouted at him and pointing to the door.

"Imagine how many times i tried so hard not to fuck you because i respected you. You told me you weren't ready and i fucking believed you!" raising his voice matchings hers.
"give me one night.. You might like me more. I'll satisfy you Lea. Just one night"

"i said leave!"

"I will! don't worry. You know what, you just made it easy for me not to choose you! Though i'll be honest i did like touching your breast" he smirked at her and then left.

The Bachelor's Girlfriend (The Lea Salonga, Sebastien Izambard Story)Where stories live. Discover now