Part 4

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August was appearing.
As the summer of 08' came to a
near end, and there you were.

Lost & in need of a guide.
But I wasn't there when needed most.
I was gone, asleep in my own realm.

Looking for answers.
Looking for even you.
Time passed and the summer of
16' was here.

It was bliss.
Soft & cold hearted love sprung about.
But it was at a pause now.

The child has grown & the dream has
faded. Like long awaited dreams, you
faded too. Deja vu was my best friend.
Music reminds you of times that
never happened.

Left to rot in my own head.
The imagination is a demon.
But even in hell there are no demons.
Only demands of nightmare.

But it was all I had left.
My word.
My sorrow eyes is all I had left.
As my words faded too, in the
soft summer breeze.


The views were calm.
Just you & I on the roof.
Everyone was away, in another place.
And I was left alone, at home.

The only problem was that I missed you
It was too quiet. Too loud within my head.
And even then I knew nothing to solve it.
Only the distant echoes of my cries
were heard.

& all I heard was laughter.
I needed it. I needed you.
Every second of my time.
But even as they returned back home, I felt
alone. And the birds no longer sang.
So what more could I do?

Sit & wait as the moon appeared.
& that night, my first friend was made.


You cannot run
Hide. You can try for a while,
maybe it works

But soon, it'll find you
Making its presence known, softly
Like a soft blossom

The flower blooms, as pandora
remains, letting her beauty sprout
More than the plague
More than the illness
You were my plague.

One that ate all in its path
Deadly. Poisonous. My very own
addiction. One I couldn't put down,
and when tried, withdraws ensued.

But remake the bed
Redo your hair. Redo your form for me.
Show yourself fully.
A beauty so blissful.
Even the lonely man strives
Smiling. Living.

But every time I'd look into her eyes, she gave me those eyes. Eyes of temptation.
Eyes of love.

But I held back no longer
Why should I?

If a heart burns for her, it's like
the Rose burned too

As if she was the moth, and I held the spark to the flame. My flame. A warmth too great. Resistibility was futile.

There was never an escape planned for us.
We were just dormant.
We were just waiting.
Blinded by ourselves.

But here I laid, letting you know that
there's love for you.

As pandora reached across, holding me close
Her words were strict. As they told me a soft command.

"Don't you see how infinite you are?"

It filled me greatly.
But I never knew how to deal with it.
Nor with your beauty.

One too great for the likes of even me.
The hell child. One with no name, and yet you viewed me as a star.

But you're more than that. The universe. The stars in their purest form. And I was the storm. Taking over like the flames of tartarus.

But each and every second that passed was only to get through to you. I wanted no time wasted.

I only wanted you
It was all I wanted
But the evening struck,
then came the moon

In all its glory, it stood upon us
The rays struck like the sun
Your eyes though, they were brighter
Making me acknowledge everything that's
there for me

Everything you keep
Everything you hid
Everything you manifest
It was mine now too

She held nothing
Nothing but infinity
Nothing but desires

And my desire was you
So soft. A feeling of bliss we admired.
But we couldn't take it for granted
Yet, it felt that way

That we were chosen
Maybe to stick. To see it all through to the very last seconds of existence
Because the one who created
me gave me all this

They told me to not waste time
To find Pandora
Love her
Have her

But I never did it because I was told
I saw why so many fell to her
The way she looks,
Her Attitude.
And heart.

It was flawless.
A perfect reincarnation of what
we mortals strive for

To be perfect.

There's never been a definitive answer.
A response lost in time.
As was her words.

They struck fear in me
Although in love, I still held
a crush on her

Not one that makes me distant
But, one that makes me closer to her
I yearn to be by her

I yearn to save her
Let alone, take care of her
Until I die

Because when I sought out myself, I saw
it all before me

The way it ended
The way we all came to be
And then there was Pandora
A woman so profound

She was nowhere else
Nowhere in another reality

She was a rare kind. One only born

Because I knew, that
Inevitability struck me
As our paradox shifted
She came closer

Diamonds eyes
A smile so sharp, it cuts through to me
Catching me whole

As her hands pull me in, I felt her
Closer. Closer.
Ice cold.

Her heart was cold. Really cold.
Slowly, it warmed for me.
Why me though?

If I've done so much
And yet she throws that away
For me.

Her eyes locked onto mine.
I knew that this was where I'd rather be
To die even.

In her arms.
And even after death, I'll be here
Because no one would take her
No one but me.

End Note.

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