Part 2

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"You're beautiful."

The words flash through you
So quickly
A vivid memory
One to die for

The lonely night
Throw yourself upon the darkness
How much to light up my star again?
To find her again.

How much longer?
How much more?

Although I hated it
It was inevitable
It always has been
You'll end up alone

Even at your worst
The devils card was on you
You wont die

You'll only lose


And even then I set on a path of mystery.
The feeling & thoughts were mutual,
we never held regret for anything we did.
We only grew, closer

But before spring blossomed,

"It was cold, too cold."

November was here.
& I thought about it. I thought it through
carefully then & there.

What we both hoped for happened.


The acknowledgment was major,
I had become one with myself. I had
grown to love you. & even me, whom I thought was gone for eons now.

But when we came out of that place, you showed me just what the meaning of hope was. As your songs played about, you played yourself into my arms.

"& she'll soon be departing. Taking her
beauty & love elsewhere for now.."

But you told me you'd be back.
To tell me stories about the beyond.
About the life you chose to live.

Because you didn't choose
the life of chaos, it chose you.


Come back down.
To where we first began.
I knew she still remembered.
In the back area, where most
of us occurred.

But take me back.
To the december of 21'.
Back when we first met.

Oh, how I missed you.
Come back down.
Into the arms that kept you warm.
& Each time you did.

Proving even me wrong.
You held a heart of gold.
Not one of greed & even then
you hold me at such a high standard.

Beauty isn't a tool.
It was a gift forged & given light
for you to have.

& only then did we occur.
In the birth of beauty & that golden
heart of yours.

You've changed & it's time you've seen
your potential.


Triple ones, you hold it close.
As if it was your physical guidance.
You've been that way since a young age.

I admired it.
I idolized you.

Triple two's, because we happened
when we needed it the most.
But perhaps I took too long.
& in the end we were both happy.
& not one shred of regret was here.


Triple three's, for the arms that keep
you warm, I vowed to never leave.
For your eyes hold beauty as they gloom.
& like a puppy you dream to run in the
tall grass, fulfilled with joy & love.

Triple four's, for my heart that desires
& awaits for you to be behind me.
To protect & love you.

Triple five's, I knew you could do it.
No matter where we stood, in either form,
I knew change was bound for you.
You're no longer alone, for I am here.

A piece remaining with you.
The one you stole.

Triple seven's.
It always followed you.
With your waves of friends, people who
desire to help you along the way.
& then there's us.

Luck has found you as its chosen one.
I feel like you'll do nothing but good things.
Even when that day comes for us, luck &
faith guides you.

Triple eights & zeros.
Either one may begin.
But your new start is inbound.
& I've never been more proud.


It was better not to talk.
When the rides occurred & the tides
from the ocean picked up, you appeared.
We had a good time.

But I knew no better.
We got out in the central.
But very rarely did we have nights together.
& in dreams it felt so familiar.

Deja vu.
But you were so beautiful, so real.
& even then you were fine.
I wished you, godspeed.

Eventually the separation took its toll.
& on these rides I stood quiet.
Admiring you, loving you more
each opportunity I saw you.

& even when you're away, do I wait for you.
Loving you evermore.

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