🎀 Chapter-13🎀

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Question- How is the story going? Should It have a little time Skip? (Only a little)

In Jimin's Class

Jimin came in to class with Hoseok behind him. Hoseok knocked on the door. The teacher who was talking with the kids looked at the door and saw "Two cute Kids" standing there. - According to her.

She smiled and stood up and went near them.

Hoseok saw her and bowed to her and seeing his Hyung, Jimin copied him and he also bowed to the teacher but being small he almost fell. Thanks to the teacher, who caught the small cute human before falling.

Teacher- Hey Cuties. Who are you?

Hoseok- I am Min Hoseok and he is my brother.

Jimin- Me Chim Chim.

Jimin said. The teacher mentally cooed at little Jimin's cuteness.

Hoseok- His name is Min Jimin.

Teacher- Oh. Hi Jimin and Hoseok. Are you both new here?

She asked and Hoseok nodded his head.

Teacher- Ohh.  So, what are you doing here?

Hoseok- Noona told us that thiz iz Jimin's class.

Hoseok said. He is right. Jennie was the one who told them about this class. That's why he came here in the first place.

Teacher- Oh. Jimin, how old are you?

Jimin- Me thwee.

Jimin said showing three fingers. The teacher giggled and ruffled his hair making Jimin shy.

Teacher- Ok cutie. I am Rosé. Your teacher. Btw Where are you parents?

Hoseok- They are buzy that's why I came.

Rosé- Ok. Come in Jimin.

She said and Jimin looked at Hoseok.

Hoseok- Chim Chim, Hyung will go now. I will meet you later.

Hoseok said and Jimin nodded his head cutely. He waved his hand to his Hyung who was going who ofcourse waved in returned.

Rosé- Shall we go in?

Jimin nodded. He held Rosé's fingers and she led him in the class. All the little students who were talking and playing with each other a second ago, stopped and looked at the new figure with their "beloved" teacher.

~ Miss, who izz he?

A Student asked looking at Jimin.

Rosé- He is Min Jimin. Your new friend.

As she said, all the students squealed. They love making friends.

Rosé- Jimin, cutie you can go and sit where ever you want. 

She said and Jimin immediately went and sat near the kid who asked the question about him. He gave him his cute eye smile which was returned by the kid.

Rosé- Ok, so ........ I guess you all are interested in Jimin than me today. So, just get to know him.  We will start studying from tomorrow.

Rosé said as she didn't received any replied. But as soon as they heard the word tomorrow, they all clapped.

She chuckled at them and then sat on her chair letting them know each other.

~ M-my nwame is S-sehun

The boy beside whom Jimin was sitting introduced himself.

Jimin- Me Chim Chim.

Jimin said. Like this little Jimin made his first friend. Sehun.

Sehun- Y-ou my fwiend?

Sehun asked and Jimin nodded his head. Sehun clapped his hands in excitement of getting a new friend.

Sehun was a nice kid. He was very kind to everyone and he loves making new friends. The only problem is other kids don't like being friends with him.

Why? Cause Sehun is an Orphan. His both parents died when he was just a year old. He lived in an orphanage which is near the School. And some students, thought it would be a nice to make fun of someone cause he don't have parents.

And this is the reason little sehun is very happy after Jimin agreed to be his friend. His first friends.

Rosé looked at both of them. She was happy. Finally sehun found a friend.

Rosé Thoughts- I just hope, Jimin don't break his heart. The little (Sehun) is too sensitive especially when it comes to friends. Cause for him they are his whole world.

She thought as she continued looking at both of them.

Jimin- Do you lobe Choco?

Jimin asked and Sehun nodded his head. Jimin smiled and said

Jimin- Mwe too. Hobi Hobi buy me choco...... This much.....

He said showing three fingers. Sehun looked at him with wide eyes and said

Sehun- Thwee?

Jimin- Yes.  Chim Chim will you one.

He said and Sehun suddenly hugged him. Jimin not understanding what was happening, let him be.

But, Rosé on the other hand understood why sehun hugged him. This was the first time, someone offered him something. And that too his favourite Chocolate.

I mean he didn't gave yet, but he told he will. And that was also enough to make Sehun happy.

Rosé- Sehun.... Why don't you teach Jimin what I taught you all yesterday?

Rosé said gaining the attention of both. Sehun nodded his head and then started telling Jimin about whatever he remembered from yesterday.
Jimin was different. And Rosé would agree. He was not like the other kids, who were just 3 but still judging someone. Jimin was not like them.  The way he was happy with Sehun the whole time proved it.

They got to know that Sehun is 2 months younger than Jimin. (For the story) and Sehun was so glad that he started calling Jimin as Hyung.

Jimin didn't said anything. He loved it. Being called Hyung. It's not been more than an hour since the kids became friends, and believe it or not, they are already seeing each other as siblings. Just like Jimin's Hobi Hobi.

So, ya. I am back. After almost 1 week and 1 day.
I already told the reason kn my nessgae board but not all people follow me so, not everyone knows.

To those who don't know, I was having high fever and it was increasing day by day. That's why I was not able to update.
But, I am fine now. My fever is gone. So, I am back.

Thank you so much for waiting. And I am so sorry for keeping you all waiting. I never wanted to but I was not in the condition to write.

I guess today's part was small too.

Moonlights, Sunshine is back.

Hope you like it.
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I love you all

Words Count- 1055

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