Chapter 1: The Horrible Night

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Let me be clear about this: This story will NOT end in Dramione. As much as I love this pairing, I find it disgusting how stories fantasize rape. Therefore, for the purpose of this story, it will not end with the rapist and the victim together.

Set takes place in AU where Dumbledore hasn't been killed, and Harry and the gang are in their 7th year.

Literally my first fanfic here on Wattpad, so please be gentle with the reviews (no flaming).

DISCLAIMER: I by all means do not own J.K Rowling's story. I do, however, own the OC's.


'Just one more round and then I am finished for tonight.' said Hermione in her head, as she paced around the dungeons. As Head Girl, it was no surprise for the whole student population that she was picked for this position. She had demonstrated fantastic academic abilities throughout her time at Hogwarts, so it was logical to pick The-Brightest-Girl-of-Her-Age as Head Girl. 

With her wand in hand, she only had to turn over a corner until she was finished. However, fate had other plans for the young wizard. She felt her wand suddenly fly out of her reach behind her. Hermione turned around to try to pick up her wand and defend herself from the threat, when she felt a strong pair of hands pull her away. Her wand was slowly disappearing from her view as she was being dragged away. 

"Ambition." said a cold, familiar voice. The Slytherin common room door opened. Hermione was pushed inside the room and fell down on the floor. She looked up to see who her perpetrator was; it was Draco Malfoy. 

"You think you can strut the hallways and act like you're better than everyone else? No, you can't, you filthy little mudblood! You aren't worthy of studying magic, yet alone be Head Girl!" yelled Draco. He then kneeled down to her level and slapped her across the face. "I've been waiting for this day to happen. It's time you know your place, whore."  

Hermione tried to get up and run for the door, but Draco pushed her down again. She kept hitting him, and punched him in the face like in 3rd year. Draco winced at first, but he quickly recollected himself. He then grabbed onto her arm and slammed her back to the ground.

Draco forced himself on top of her and violently kissed her. She tried to scream, hoping someone would hear her muffled pleas. Draco pulled away and laughed. "Good luck, Granger. No one can hear or see you. I put a Disillusionment Charm around us so save your energy from your pathetic pleas." 

Draco pulled her top off, exposing her bare upper body, and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. He impatiently yanked her skirt down her quivering legs, ripping her knickers off at the same time. Draco hastily takes his pants off while remaining on top of her. Hermione eyes widened at the sight of his erect penis; terrifying in its thick, wide glory. Without hesitation, he thrust his full length into her. Hermione screamed in agony; the pain was unbearable, especially since her bottom was dry. Being a virgin until not too long ago, his dick felt like a sharp sword ripping her apart.  

Draco kept his pace, mercilessly pumping himself inside of her like a battering ram. He could feel her walls ripping from inside her. He smirked. Hermione tightly gripped his back, her nails clawing marks into his flesh. Draco then pushed her legs to the side, which only caused more pain for Hermione. Tears were flooding her eyes, clouding her vision. She can still see the haunting look of wrath and lust in Draco's eyes. She closed her eyes, trying to isolate herself from this situation. Unfortunately, that itself proved to be a hard task as Draco began to thrust himself even harder. 

Draco was now huffing like a crazy beast; sweat glistening across his face. He squeezed Hermione's breasts harshly while biting and sucking onto her neck. He made sure to leave marks around her body, claiming his dominance.  

Moments later, he reached the peak of his orgasm, planting his seed into Hermione. He stopped to regain his breath. Hermione used this as an opportunity to fight back. Standing up, she grabbed a magical lamp nearby, and hit him on the head with it. Draco's head started to bleed, and he was enraged. Thinking Hermione didn't suffer enough, he stood himself up while grabbing a clump of her hair and threw her face first to the ground. She screamed in agony as he shoved her head down with one arm, holding her hips up with the other. Getting behind her, he fiercely rammed his dick into her again,  moving even faster than before. She tried to crawl away, but Draco hardened his grip on her.

"You actually think you can get away that easily? I thought the Head Girl would be smarter than that." mocked Draco. He grabbed her neck and choked her. "Let me just remind you that you are a worthless little mudblood scum. Whereas I am your pureblood superior. You're lucky a pureblood like me would even look at you."

Hermione was numb at this point; she couldn't believe what was happening. She never thought she would find herself stuck in this situation. Her plan was to save herself for Ron, but now she refused to have any man near her. She had been completely humiliated and traumatized to the point of no longer being able to see a man the same way. 

Draco could see the pain in Hermione's eyes. He felt delighted seeing her like this, and wanted more. He grabbed his wand and set the Cruciatus Curse on her. Hermione's lips were quivering as she struggled helplessly under Draco's control.

Footsteps were heard from nearby. Both Hermione and Draco looked up to see the source of the sound. It was a black-haired little boy, presumably a first-year, walking into the common room. Hermione was hoping he would come in their direction so that he could see the atrocity being held. Unfortunately, he picked up a book from a table nearby and walked back to the dorms. Finally, he orgasmed inside of her once more and they both fell to the ground. For a few minutes, he laid on top of her before getting up.  

He pulled Hermione's hair back towards him. "Hurts, doesn't it? You're just a filthy mudblood, and this is only a glimpse of what you truly deserve."  

Hermione did nothing. Malfoy then casted a special charm on her so that she could not speak of the events of that night. He wanted her to remember and suffer quietly. To him, she was  nothing but a filthy whore who deserved to stay helpless. Finally getting off of her, he cleaned himself up and collected her clothes strewn on the floor. He dragged Hermione outside the dorm, shoving the garments in her hands. Draco looked her in the eye and gave her one final look of victory before he slammed the door in front of her.

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