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Jo is sitting in history class taking a test.

She has been avoiding JJ all day because she feels guilty for kissing Rafe back.

He slides a note to her and grazes her arm with his hand.

She looks at the note and it says: 'Are you Ok? I love you.'

She looks to see him already watching her.

'I love you' she mouths to him.

He moves over in his seat and grabs her hand interlocking their fingers.

The door opens and a man appears at the door.

"Excuse me."

The guy catches everyone's attention.

"Mr. Sunn, can I borrow Pope and Joanna for a minute?" the man asks.

"We're in the middle of a test right now." Mr. Sunn tells him.

Jo glances at Pope confused.

They glance up toward the door to the man standing in the doorway.

"I'm from the Vanderhorst Foundation. I need to speak to the two please." the man speaks.

"Mr. Heyward, Miss Mills, this man is for you." Mr. Sunn tells them.

Jo glances at Kie and JJ who are watching them intensely.

Jo stands up and follows Pope out to the hall.

"First, I would just like to say how sorry I am about how the scholarship went down." The man tells Pope.

"It's ok. I kinda figured I lost it after I walked out of the interview. You know Joanna is the one who helped me prepare for the interview. I couldn't have gotten that far without her."

Pope tells the man as he smiles in Jo's direction.

Jo gives him a small smile back.

"Nevertheless, some of us were very impressed by your story and wanted to learn more about the Royal Merchant." the man tells him.

"That's impressive and all, but what does that have to do with me?" Jo asks.

"One of our benefactors heard of your name and asked to pass along these notes."

The man hands both Pope and Jo a letter.

"I can't guarantee anything about the scholarship, but this family is very powerful and influential. You caught their attention. If you get in their good graces who knows what can happen. Good luck to both of you."

The man walks away and Jo looks down at the envelope.

She turns it around and where the wax seal is, is the wheat symbol that is the same as on the gold.

"Holy shit Pope, look at this." she shows him.

"Oh shit! We gotta show the guys."

They rush back into their seats.

"What the hell was that about?" Kie asks them.

Jo hands JJ the envelope.

"Look on the back." She whispers to him.

He turns it over and sees the wheat symbol.

"What the fu-" He exclaims catching the attention of Mr. Sunn.

"Fu-fu-fudge." JJ catches himself awkwardly.

'Nice save." Jo whispers.


*Treasure and Secrets* Outer Banks Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now