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Kyle was walking to the usual bus stop . His makeup " smeared " with his hair poking out his hat . With his rainbow sweat bands . Kyle had turned scene im takeaway 8th grade . Stan went back to goth , he wasn't as hurt , he just said he enjoyed it . He didn't care about the conformists stuff or anything , just about the music and stuff .


As I'm walking to the bus stop , I see him . Honestly I don't know what it is but whenever I see Stan I get a tingle in my stomach and I get all hot and nervous , I don't know what it is .

I approach as Cartman glares at me , " hey you emo Jew " he scowls at me as I flip him off . I stand next to the taller black haired boy . I wave at him as he smiles at me .

Kenny soon arrives 5 minutes after . We greet him as Cartman stops insulting me n Stan calling us fags , I feel like Kenny was the only one who wanted to Cartman . Me and Stan have a normal conversation , we get onto the bus . I sit in my usual seat next to Stan in the second to back row .

We were juniors now , I sometimes cannot believe how we're still holding onto Cartman .

we get to school and walk off the bus . It was the start of the year so Stan grabbed his crumbled up schedule from his backpack . I looked at mine , we only didn't have 1 class together . The rest of our 7 periods we had together

Stan and Wendy broke up when he went goth again , she said she liked " jocks " instead of pussy emo kids . He didn't take it personally

She's supportive though , we both keep in touch with her and we're still friends .

I told Wendy a while ago that I think I like Stan , she jumped and squealed and screamed at me telling me how long she's waited for this . I was honestly shocked she did not care at all

Me and Stan walked to our first period , it went by like a blink . The rest of the day me and Stan just sat next to each other .

" wanna come over to my house ? " stan asked me blankly , " sure !! " I responded . He nodded " cool . "

End of the day

Me and Stan were walking to his house , his house wasn't far from mine . We lived right next to each other .

When we got to his house I greeted his family , his mom , dad , shelley . We ran up to his room , when I was going up the stairs I felt a strong stare upon me . I didn't know what it was

Authors note

The little lil sleepover thing is in the next chapter 😝 .

What's with you ? ( style South Park ) goth Stan / Scene Kyle AUWhere stories live. Discover now