6: team arrow

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Roy harper, the game was later tonight, I'm looking forward to it. I can't believe I thought Oliver was here, he's in Starling city! Or he's possibly still in central, but he's never going to be here. "Hay get up, breakfast is ready" told Lydia, like I couldn't smell it. I got up for breakfast, almost ready for school almost, still have to brush my teeth. I started to chew on some Bacon "how did you know where I lived?" I asked,
I've been wondering that for awhile now, I was always very careful about it. "I... I Kinda put a tracker in you" admitted Lydia, I dropped my fork "you- yo- why am I even surprised?" I sighed, Lydia's right for that. I shouldn't be trusted. "if I ever do go evil again you'll know where I am at least" I Whispered, I probably will, it's happened so many times. She grabbed my wrist. "that's not why I did it Roy" she said,  I looked up at her in confusion. "Why then?" I asked, why else would she think I need a tracker in me? "I did it because I didn't want you to go missing, or if you tried to run away, I did it so I could find you, because I care about you" explained Lydia, she cares about me? Why is that surprising, of course she does, why else would she be doing this? "Where is it?" I Asked, she has.. reasons, but I don't want a tracker in me. She let go of my wrist "Just below your elbow, one just before the armpit and one In your outer thigh, I would of put it in the in-er bit but I thought that would be perverted" said Lydia, I shuddered, ya it would of been. "Lydia your hair seems a bit messy" I said, Lydia cares about her looks, not in a bad way, she Just does. "really? I'll tidy it up" said Lydia, she ran out to the bathroom. I got up and looked In the knife draw, this small extra sharp knife shall do, I slipped it into my bag and returned to eating.

It was surprisingly easy to sneak into school with a knife, not like I haven't done it before, though that was in Starling city. "Thanks about the hair tip again" Said Lydia, her hair looked great, but she said that her hair partings were crossing over, isn't that on the top of your head? Where people don't really look? I was in the one class where I wasn't with Lydia. I raised my hand. "can I go to the toilet?" I asked, the teacher sighed and gestured for me to leave, so I did as I grabbed my bag. I was in the men's toilets Alone, I checked the stalls just in case. I held the knife Over my thigh, she didn't tell me which one but I can feel a small lump against my left, so I'm guessing that one, but I just can't force myself to stab myself. "Why did I even bring the knife?" I Muttered, I do have claws so I could of used them, but I personally prefer using weapons. "Fuck it" I Whispered, I bit the side of my Jacket and stabbed myself in the thigh. I noised a little then stopped "went a bit more deep then needed" I noted, I got my claws out and pulled out the tracker, I hissed at the pain "one done two more to go" I said, why did she put three? I thought about getting another one out but thought against it, it's for the best if I left it. I got back to class just before it ended, I took the homework and left for lunch.

We were all sitting together at lunch, me, Lydia, Mccall and Stilinski. we only have five days left for the project "so work on the project after the Game?" I asked, I need to forget the fact I thought Oliver was here. It hurt when I was wrong, but what did I expect? For him just to come out of nowhere? "No we can't, we are hanging out with our parents after school" said Stilinski, ok, that makes sense, especially if we win. Coach was giving his same old Speach, but I wasn't paying attention. I wonder how they would react to me being in high-school and playing Lacrosse, Thea definitely wouldn't believe it, probably Oliver too, Lacrosse didn't seem like my thing, but turns out it is, Felic- "Jackson!" Yelled Coach, shit I wasn't paying attention. "yes coach?" I asked, please don't be a question. "are you ready to win?" Yelled Coach, I smirked. "Ya I am!" I yelled, I'm ready to play.

The game was almost over, and we're winning! "Mccall pass to me!" I yelled, he's getting cornered, Luckily he Chucked it at me. I ran to the goal and Chucked it in. "TIME!" Yelled a guy, oh my God! "We won!" I yelled, we won, we won, we won!

I changed into my regular Clothes, I've been asked to celebrate around twenty times but I don't really want to, I'm just going to go to Lydia's, I'm still a bit out of it, from acting crazy. I paced around the School, waiting for Lydia to find me. Maybe I should try and cu- a hand covered my mouth, arm around my torso, dragging me into a Class room, my instincts took over, I pulled the hands off my torso, getting my tail out and swung just as I ripped off the other han- salt water? I smelled salt water under my nose. Oliver? OLIVER! I couldn't stop myself, my tail swung Oliver across the room. I span around, Kicking the door closed as I noticed the others. The team. Thea was bent down, dying of laugher, Felicity and Diggle were  staring at me and Oliver, completely in shock. Oliver was sitting up across the room, looking straight at me, dazed. I just attacked Oliver. "Holy shit!" I yelled, I ran to Oliver's side, smelling blood. He's bleeding. I helped him sit up. "Oliver Are you okay?!" I panicked, I made Oliver bleed. Everyone was confused, I could smell it, and See it, especially on Oliver. "..ya, I'm okay- ow.."  he noised, I hurt him. I hurt the arrow. "You.. landed a hit on me" he observed, oh I am dead. Deader than dead. "You-" laughed Oliver, he started laughing at the end. I glanced around him as he laughed, he had blood down his arm and blood on his head. "shit I think you have a concussion, you're Laughing" I Panicked, Oliver does not Laugh. BANG! I looked behind me and Saw Thea,  on the Floor, dying of laugher. Thea. Diggle and Felicity had started laughing, Oliver continues to. "at least we know your reflexes have improved" Chuckled Diggle, how are they laughing?! -I get thea laughing, but them?! "this isn't funny! I might of permanently damaged his brain! He is laughing!" I told, I pulled my bag off, searching for bandages, Oliver grabbed my wrists. "I-i'm ok-ay Really R-oy, I've been Thro-ugh w-worse" laughed Oliver, but you doesn't show emotion! "but- but I- but you- you're" I stumbled, Words Roy! Words! "Roy breath, you're ok, I'm ok" he told, he let go of my hands. "You're not! You're bleeding! And laughing" I said, I rummaged through my bag for a few seconds before he grabbed my hands again. "close your eyes and Breathe, you freaking out doesn't help" said Oliver, I closed my Eyes, Leaning into the corner, taking breaths. In out, in out... all of their scents around me. Diggle smells like.. gun powder? Makes sense I guess. Felicity smells like Technology, Best way to discribed it. Oliver's sent is the only one who makes a lot of sense, well Thea is Perfect so hers too I guess. I realised the others stopped Laughing... well Thea's chuckling on occasion, I opened my eyes. "see, you're calm now, and I'm fine" said Oliver, his head wasn't bleeding anymore and bandages were on his head and Arm "You're all here" I breathed, my team is here, my pack, my... my family. "sorry For that, I just reacted, I Just- eh" I apologised, I can't believe I actually Hurt Oliver! "It's fine, I'm glad you reacted like that" Laughed Oliver, he stood up and I did to. "Really?" I asked, I'm surprised he hasn't drop-kicked me to the floor yet. "of course we're happy you reacted like that, it means you might not get kiddnaped again" informed Thea, Thea! I ran over to her, wrapping my arms around her. "it's so great to see you! sorry I ran straight past you I was worried I broke your brother" I explained, she smells so Perfect, so Very Perfect. "..that's fine Roy, I would of done the same thing" Said Thea, she smells sad, but she said it was ok... "Wait did you guy's see me play?" I asked, that would be so amazing if they did! But embarrassing aswell, I stopped hugging Thea, holding her hand now. "ya, I wouldn't of took you for a Lacrosse player" said Oliver, I get that, I wouldn't of ethier. "you went back to school, I'm proud of you" Smiled Thea, I'd thought she'd like that, I smiled more. "and you're getting occasional A's, mainly B-'s but great for a D-/F- high-school Dropout" Noted Felicity, how does she know tha- wait "you hacked into my record? Wait how do you know my new grades?" I asked, dose this School have them online? "Same way, I'm guessing Lydia helped you get those grade" Guessed Felicity, I would be offended she figured I needed Lydia's help but she's right, so very right. "Ya" I agreed, I'm so happy this is happening! "we'll meet you outside Roy" he said, they're here. Thea squeezed my hand before she left, Oliver tapped my back, Felicity smiled and Diggle nodded as they all left. After a few moments I left the room, walking to the exit . "Jackson!" Yelled Mccall, I turned around as he and Stilinski walked to me. "What?" I asked, I didn't sound completely annoyed by their presence. "We Just wanted to see if you were okay" they said, why they hell do they care? "You haven't seem like it, are you?" Mccall asked, team arrow's here I smirked. "Ya, I am.. but thanks for caring" I mumbled, I turned and left.

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