
1.1K 17 0

name: Y/n

Serial Designation: N2

Outfit: N's Beta design

Weapons (left arm): Scythe hand, Sword, Grenade launcher (M32 style), Oil extractor.
Weapons (Right arm): Scythe hand, Sword, Shotgun, EMP.

Weapons (that he can get his hands on): Axes, Swords, Poles, assault rifles, SMGs, Uzi's railgun, Pitchforks, Pick axes

Tail: Concusion cannon

Upgrades: Sheild barrier (soaks up a lot of damage. Located in left arm), Coolent unit (the user is able to consume Coolant to prevent overheating like Oil dose. Helps when the planet has little to no rebelling worker drones), Heat resistant Plating (Helps drone have extra hunting hours Unit needing to retreat from overheating)

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